3rd Trimester

poppy seeds

DH just brought me an everything bagel but has lots of poppy seeds.  My sister told me that when she was pregnant her OB said not to eat poppy seeds.  Has anyone else heard of this?  Also - if I just scrape them off will that be ok?
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Re: poppy seeds

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    Found this online. Might answer your question :)

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    I've never heard of that.  It must come from the idea that if you eat a few poppy seed bagels, you can get a positive result on an opium screen (mythbusters proved it!)

    But there isn't actually opium in poppy seeds - aka, you can't get high off of them.  I wouldn't worry about eating poppy seeds.  At all.


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    This reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Elaine eats a poppy seed muffin and her test shows up positive for opium...I love that show. 

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    I just had an everything bagel.  There is no evidence that eating poppy seeds will have an effect on your LO.  Eat the bagel as is.
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    I eat an everything bagel at least twice a week.

    I've never felt the side effects of morphine.

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    Thanks ladies!  I'll enjoy my bagel now.
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    I've never heard of that.  It must come from the idea that if you eat a few poppy seed bagels, you can get a positive result on an opium screen (mythbusters proved it!)

    But there isn't actually opium in poppy seeds - aka, you can't get high off of them.  I wouldn't worry about eating poppy seeds.  At all.

    You can't???? ::throws poppy seed muffin in the trash::

    Well you have to SMOKE the bagel ;)


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    I wish something would give me a morphine feeling right now.
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    Funny you should ask this question. I just saw this on the news this morning and it shocked me: https://www.wkbn.com/content/news/local/story/Baby-Taken-After-Mom-Eats-Bagel/OhvLyWdMv0ytIACx7vGE1w.cspx

    I always thought that was a myth, but apparently not.

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    Funny you should ask this question. I just saw this on the news this morning and it shocked me: https://www.wkbn.com/content/news/local/story/Baby-Taken-After-Mom-Eats-Bagel/OhvLyWdMv0ytIACx7vGE1w.cspx

    I always thought that was a myth, but apparently not.

    Wow, I read some of the comments on that story.  This one is especially...um...special.

    I know this story sounds weird but it had to be true that she did test positive for drug abuse but like the one girl said dont jump to conclusions because it could of been a big mis take made by the welfare dept they do mike mistakes and I believe the mother she ate a poppyseed bagel and now she has to suffer the consequences for it lol this is just one of those phoney stories that I just nod my head to. My prayers do go out to the mom though because she lost 5 days of bondage with her newborn.And thats something you dont get back!!!

    I think that first sentence is the longest run on sentence ever.   As for the second sentence, "bondage"?  Hahaha, I think she meant "bonding."

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    Eat the bagel.
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