High-Risk Pregnancy

Baby's Abdomen Measuring 3.5 Weeks Behind...

Hi Ladies - I am new to this board and hoping that someone might have some experience with the situation I'm in right now. I've consistently measured 1-2 weeks behind (fundal measurement) throughout my pregnancy, but since I'm tall and thin, my midwife wasn't worried and neither was I. Baby measured right on at my 20 week ultrasound.

At my 36 week appointment, my midwife decided to order a growth ultrasound to check my baby's growth since I was still measuring 2cm behind. I had the ultrasound today. They estimate baby weight at 6lbs and confirmed that the head and femur measurements are in the 77th percentile.

However, the baby's abdomen is measuring quite small (33 weeks and change) at 37 weeks. Now the dr. wants me to see a high risk OB, get NST two times per week and she mentioned possibly inducing me if baby continues to fall behind. Anyone have any experience with a situation like this? How long did they let you go once the issue was discovered? I've had a very easy and normal pregnancy up until this point, and I'm really worried...

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Re: Baby's Abdomen Measuring 3.5 Weeks Behind...

  • I was in a similar situation with you with DD. I am sorry- I know how stressful it can be! DD was measuring right on at her 20 week ultrasound and actually even a little big. Then, like you, I started consistently measuring 1-2 weeks behind and they ordered a growth ultrasound at 32 weeks. At this point they discovered that her abdomen was lagging behind her femur and head measurements and I was diagnosed with IUGR. Did they mention this at all to you? I had NSTs weekly and then twice weekly and ultrasounds every two weeks. When her abdomen dropped to the 3rd percentile it was decided that she would do better outside of the womb than in and I was induced at 38 weeks. Ella weighed 5 lbs 13 oz and definitely had a tiny tummy when she was first born! She had some of the typical problems that IUGR babies have- was very stressed during contractions and pushing so I almost had to have a c-section and she also had difficulty breathing on her own and regulating her heartbeat so she was taken to be monitored and we weren't able to see her for about 6 hours. She is a happy, healthy almost two year old now that is performing on time or ahead of her milestones. She is still a peanut at barely 21 pounds but otherwise you would never know she had kind of a scary entrance to the world. :) Hang in there and know that the doctors will monitor you closely and if anything looks wrong during an NST they will deliver. If they are estimating weight at 6 pounds already I would say you don't have much to worry about (even though u/s estimates can be off). Feel free to page me if you want more information and good luck to you!
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  • DS3 belly was measuring 3-4 weeks the whole time along with is femur.  I was also Dx with IUGR.  We had NSTx2 a week and AFI checks 1x week since I had low fluid from 20 weeks until delivery and growth u/s every 2-3 weeks.  They ended up delivering him at 36 weeks because my fluid got so low.  He was 4lbs 10oz.

    DS2 also had IUGR and was measuring behind as well.  He was induced at 38 weeks and weighed 3lbs 15oz.  Now at 2.5 he is a whopping 47 lbs!

    I agree with PP if she is measuring at 6lbs than maybe she will just have a small belly.  

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    DS1 12-31-1999, DS2 5-7-2008, DS3 8-3-2010
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  • Thank you, Ladies, for the good feedback. We have our ultrasound with the high risk OB this morning, so I'm trying not to worry too much until we get those results back. I will try to check back after that with the updated measurements.

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Yup, we had the same situation with my son. I was measuring right on time/ahead until 33 weeks when he stopped growing - at 38 weeks, I was still measuring 33cm and 33 weeks on the u/s. Sounds like they suspect the kind of IUGR where body parts grow at different rates... it's really scary to find something like that out, but the best thing you can do is trust the high-risk OB... if they do say better out than in, then just know that at this point, your little one will most likely do great - you are past the "safe" zone and if she is weighing at least 6 lbs, that's even better news!
  • I dont have experience with this but good luck and we're all thinking good thoughts for you
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