Baby Names

So what do ya think?

I am trying to incorporate my best friend's name and my mom's middle name into my daughters name without completely robbing her of her own individuality. So is having a first name and two middle names bad? yes or no?

Re: So what do ya think?

  • in theory, no. it isn't bad. but i think i'd need to know what the names are to make an honest assessment.
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  • Well I could tell you, but nobody on here liked the name I had picked out for the first name. But the middles names I am thinking about are Lorelei Joy. Lorelei from my best friend (whos name isn't actually Lorelei but they mean the same, thing for the sake of individuality) and Joy is my mother's mn.
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  • Two middle names is fine.

    Two first names is also okay!

    God bless her, I have a friend with 5 names in all...

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  • well, if your friend's name isn't actually lorelei, why can't you just go with that? i don't think in that case individuality would be an issue.

    you also might consider other names that mean joy/joyful/happy.

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  • Yeah, well I wouldnt go with her name cuz,,well to be honest I dont like it. lol (Sorry BF) But I will look for names with joy meanings. Thanx!
  • i just read your other post. how about lorelei joy lynn? all real names, and all of your names are incorporated.

    and you know that lorelei means luring rock, right?

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  • imagestarlynn22:
    Yeah, well I wouldnt go with her name cuz,,well to be honest I dont like it. lol (Sorry BF) But I will look for names with joy meanings. Thanx!


    i meant that if her name isn't actually lorelei, you should use lorelei.

    good luck!

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  • Yeah lol. Well her name is Laurie which means bay or plant, and isnt bad except that we went to school with about 10 Lauries. So then I thought of Lorelei or Laurelei either one, meaning rock lol. which is kinda the same but different, you know? The first name is going to be Peyton, which I know a lot of people on here did not like, but it's the only one that my husband and I both love that isn't widely used where we live. So, I was thinking Peyton Laurelei Joy. If four names isn't bad. And by bad I mean like wierd or annoying.
  • And thanks so much for your help. My family just nods their heads no matter what I say. Plus I want it to be a surprise to my mom.
  • well, i'm no fan of peyton either, especially when the other names you're working with are so great (lorelei, joy, and lynn), but it's your name. i would suggest you stop talking to your family about it, though.

    if you do go with lorelei, please leave the spelling as is. :)

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  • I think Peyton is cute and orignial. 


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