I know I'm only a couple months post-postpartum, but I'm seeing a major difference between how my body was after DS and now. I didn't gain as much this time around and have lost the weight more quickly, but everything is saggy to the extreme.
Even with the stretchmarks the first time around, I still felt pretty good. I was proud of what my body could do. This time, I just feel awful and unattractive. I really don't think my body will recover as well. DH and I plan on having a third baby, but I'm not looking forward to what it will mean for my body.
Re: Did each subsequent pg wear on your body more?
I actually feel better about my body now. Maybe because before I felt it was more because Dh found me attractive and now I feel like it can do so much more? I also want to be more physically in shape to keep up with the kids and I had a serious neck injury that prevented me from doing that, which is healing.
Thanks JOEBunny, I've been to that site before and have found it pretty amazing.
I really did feel better about my body after having DS, but I'm not feeling it this time. I've also been having major back pain issues, so I feel like my body is working against me lately. Hopefully, things will settle in the next few months and I'll feel better. Good point about keeping up with the kids. That matters much more than having a poochy belly :-)
I changed!
After #1 - no major difference to pre-pg body. my belly button used to be a never ending hole but now I could see the bottom of it.
After #2 - I got a strech mark right through my belly button and my belly ring hole was streched.
After #3 - The stretch mark is a little bigger, my boobs are TINYYYYY and saggy
But overall, I look pretty much the same as always. no-one apart from DH would notice any difference.
I gained 3 stone with eack PG but lost it all afterwards so I am still slim.
fitness wise...I feel like crap this time 'round. I got PPD on top of a chronic chest infection that has me feeling pretty weak and exhausted for the last 4 months. I miss being fit!
L-R: Liam (7), Eimhin (6) and Fionn (4)! (Irish names)
Too busy to update the pics for now ...
I'm saying this to give you hope, not gloat: no. I gained less and less with each child, stayed more active, ate better and felt better (except for morning sickness) with each pregnancy. I am at the weight I was before I was pregnant the first time and have never had to diet. This is truly remarkable for me as pre-pregnancy, I was always one who struggled with a few extra pounds.
As to my shape, yes, when I bend over from the waist you can tell that the skin on my tummy has been stretched and isn't that firm anymore. I just try to stand straight and tall.
My breasts are about the same size as before but a bit looser - this could have happened with age anyway! I nursed all three kids 1+ years and I honestly thought the aftermath would be a lot worse.
Give yourself 9 months to a year to see what you're "left with" body wise. You may be pleasantly surprised. It's amazing what our bodies can do.
My three little ones