
Could use some suggestions.

My little guy came home a week and three days ago! He eats every three hours. Since he came home my husband and I have been trying really hard to find a schedrule, a balance, especially at night times. It seems each day one of us is really rested and the other is out of their mind tired. Then vis versa the next day. Its stinks not ever being awake when the other is and is also starting to really make us drag. I know that little man will be eating this often for a while so we really need to figure out how to make things work. And I know also to sleep when LO sleeps but thats also really hard because he wont latch on- so im pumping on demand for him. He eats, I pump, then im only left with an hour and a half before the cycle starts all over again. How do you and your SO balance the night time duties? Id like to compare it to how were working things and try to improve- we really need to fix things!
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Re: Could use some suggestions.

  • Hang in there. :)

    Unfortunately, I don't have many suggestions.  CAn someone else feed him while you're pumping?  Or are you alone during the day?  I EP for my twins, so my husband would do all the bottle feeding while I pumped.  When I was home on maternity I had a nanny (I also have a toddler) so she would feed while I pumped.  The few times I was home alone, I hear you...there just isn't enough time in the day, unfortunately.

    At night, my husband and I would work it so he would do the feeding and I would pump while he fed my son.  That way everyone was up at the same time.  We also didn't bother to do any diaper changes or anything over night unless it was hugely necessary, and that saved time. I also prepped all bottles ahead of time, so they would be ready overnight.

    Hang in there.  This phase is temporary and it sucks, but you just have to stick to survival mode for awhile... 

  • Ditto ahava, unfortunately you just have to suck it up. There isn't too much you can do. It'll only last a few months and then you'll all be sleeping better. I was a SAHM, so I generally did all the night feedings. It sucked, but I made sure to sleep whenever DD did. The house didn't get cleaned for weeks and when it did, it was just easy stuff. We ate take out a lot and I bought tons of frozen food for when we did eat at home. And paper plates and cups, so we didn't have to do dishes every day. That's about all you can do, short of calling in outside help. GL!
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  • No suggestions, just a big ol "Welcome to parenthood!!!"  ;)


    It does get easier, though. Unfortunately you just have to rough it through these hard days, first. Hang in there!

    Abigail Noelle, 8.29.09
    Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
    Claire Zoe, 10.26.10

  • Thanks ladies! Sounds like this is acutally normal! 'Survivor mode'  & Sure sounds like I shouldnt give up on getting him to latch! Your right itd make my life easier! LO was in the NICU for the first 4 weeks so we didnt get to try it right away. Weve had about 5 attempts to get him to latch on since hes been home- over a week now- and it all I get is loud screaming and him pushing with all his might to get away from me. I think Ill look into a LC and give it another shot. And to awnser above question- I pump on demand because I cant seem to build up a stash. Ive tried so hard but really I pump for his next feed each time. I used to have so much when he was eating 50-55 MLs but now hes a piggy and eats at least 70-75 MLs each time and I can barely keep up.
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  • It's hard. I was SAHM for 6 mo. so I was doing all of it myself and DS ate every 2 hrs. Until he was 6 mo. old. Literally, every 2 hrs around the clock.

    Having to pump is DEFINITELY one of the big drains on your time. Have you tried a nipple shield to help with his latch? Have you seen a lactation consultant? I highly recommend getting some help b/c if you can get him to latch on, it'll take a huge amount of stress and time off your hands. Nipple shields are really inexpensive - you can find them for ~$10 at Target or sometimes a local drug store. DS had trouble latching on one side in the early goings so we tried a nipple shield at the suggestion of our pedi and it was a lifesaver. We used it for about 1.5 mo. and then he didn't need it anymore.

    You do eventually adjust to running on little to no sleep. Hang in there!

  • The LC encouraged me to try to pump more often during the day to build up my supply so I could sleep longer periods of time at night.  She said to try to pump 8-12x a day but they didn't have to be 2-3 hours apart.  I don't know how it works, but that is what she told me. 

    Once I was able to build a supply, DH & I took turns sleeping for 4-6 hrs at a time.  I slept from 10-3 and he would sleep from 3-7.  We took little naps when we could but each of us had some time when we could sleep in a separate room for a longer period of time.  Good Luck!


  • I remember those days.  It does get easier.  As he gets closer to his due date, his latch should get better.  Keep trying at least once a day with nursing and then give him a bottle and pump. 

     During the days, I was alone a lot and would just suck it up and feed her, then pump, take a quick nap and do it all over again.  If I had help, they'd give her a bottle while I pumped and then I'd nap in between.  My mom and husband were huge helps with laundry and meals.  I basically was a cow for those first few weeks. 

    Before bed, I'd fix all her night time bottles.  We'd go to sleep after her 9pm bottle.  I'd feed her at 12, pump and go to bed.  I'd sleep through the 3am feeding (my supply was good enough luckily that I could skip that pumping session) and DH would feed/change her at 3.  He'd get up for work at 6 and I'd feed her/pump and we'd go back to bed until 9am.  It was a TON of work but it got a lot easier.  Just keep at the pumping to keep your supply up and try nursing once a day.  As he gets bigger and gets more fat in his cheekpads, his latch will get better.  I remember one day she did really well when I tried nursing her, so I tried it the next time and then the next time and we haven't looked back.  

    Flashforward to now (she's six months) and she eats every 4 hours and takes 2 bottles while I'm at work.  She's sleeping about 5-6 hours at night.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel, I promise.  Just hang in there.  You're doing the best possible thing for your son. 

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