My daughter is 18 months and I bit the bullet and I'm in the process of switching to CDs full time. Right now we just do overnight. I was fed up with leaks and after trying every disposable I gave up. I have 3 Rumparooz right now and love them. They are a bit pricey though, and I can't stock with just them.
I am also expecting another baby and want to CD full time from the beginning. I am trying to educate myself in all things cloth, but there is SO much info.
I'm looking into the trial from Jillian's Drawers. One diaper I would really like to try (after a recommendation) are Kawaii diapers. Anyone have good experience with these? What other brands do they compare to? They are not part of the trial on JD's. I am hoping they compare to one brand they do offer in the trial.
I hope I get a hang of this soon and figure out what to get. There is a lot to learn!
Re: Hi, new to this whole CD thing
Check out the FAQ at the top of the page.
We use Bumgenius 4.0s and planet detergent.
I have 4 diapers from kawaii and it did not fit our DD until about 11 pounds and they are still quite bulky. Pre-folds and covers are what we used until she started fitting into one size diapers. She does however have a good fit in Rumparooz.
The green mountain diaper website has so much information on cloth diapers, and if you order anything from them they send you a booklet loaded with info on all things cloth. Very useful. Good luck!