We currently use 7th Generation and are happy with the diapers, but the combination of waste/cost is getting to me... that said, I am a cloth diaper novice, and am wondering if it makes sense to switch at this age. (We have a boy, if that makes any difference---so I am guessing he'll toilet train on the later side.)
Spending $500+ on a cloth diaper stash just feels really really expensive to me. I estimate we would roughly break even on price with DS, but obviously save money if we have a second kid--likely, but not certain.
Does anyone have an opinion as to whether this makes sense? I think we would probably try the Jillian's Drawers trial program to get a sense of different styles/fits. Thanks so much for your input.
Re: switching to cloth at 15 months?
It makes sense, and might not be as expensive as you think. You can get 24 one size BG diapers for $400. Even if your DS potty trains right at age 2, that's a cost of ~ $10/week. I don't know how much you spend in diapers right now, but it seems pretty cost effective.
When you have another baby, you could do the prefolds/covers option while he/she is still too small for the BGs, and that might run you a total of $60 or so.
So even though you're starting late, I don't think it's out of the realm of cost savings at all. Especially when you have another child. Plus, you could find cheaper options than the BGs as well, but those get good reviews. But my 1st isn't even here yet, so what do I know.
If you work out the cost per week it seems like it would make sense.
I would just note that, if I were starting CDs at your LO's age, I would probably go with something that snaps--harder for him to undo than velcro! I liked velcro closures when DD was in the changing-poopy-diapers-in-the-dark stage but now that she's mobile, snaps are more secure.
DS born 8/2010 - preliminary stages of SN int'l adoption - fur mama to 2 shelter dogs; cloth diapering, babywearing, EBFing mama
I switched at 15 months with DD. She potty trained right after 2 years of age, but I'm still definitely saving money between what I've sold, what I've reused on DS, and what I'm still using overnights (because she still wears a diaper overnight).
And I calculate my cost savings over buying diapers at deep discount (under 20 cents/diaper). If you're using 7th Generation right now, you're probably paying more than that...
I also agree with others that you don't have to drop $500 upfront. I started with the Jillian's Drawers trial, which was about $100 at the time, and then slowly added to my stash as I figured out what I liked and what I didn't.
Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)
OP here--thank you everyone! This is so helpful, and it's heartening to see that other people switch at roughly this age too. I should say that cost-savings aren't the biggest issue here (environmental ones are), but it feels weird shelling out so much money at once on diapers. I know this is just psychological since we spend plenty buying disposables on a regular basis--I just need to get over that mental hurdle.
Now to convince DH--he is not sold on the idea. I think we will sign up for Jillian's Drawers and see what happens. Thanks again!