I was in pretty good shape before I got pregnant - at the gym 4 - 5 times a week, working with a trainer once a week, etc. The first trimester killed me and I couldn't do anything. Once I hit the second trimester i was able to get back in th gym but had already starting putting on the pounds and certainly wasn't going like I had been. I also noticed that my skin wasn't as firm as it was and noticed a decent amount of wrinkles or cellulite on my thighs/butt that wasn't there before. I plan on hitting the gym hard once the LO is born and I'm physically able to, but I'm freaking out now.
I know this all sounds terribly vain, but I am having a real issue with how my body looks now. Is there hope for getting back in, or in better, shape after the baby is born. What was everyone else's experience and how did you do it? :-)
Re: Hello cellulite?
Hey, even pregnant and PP, we are all still allowed a little vanity, ya know? DD is just over 6 wks now and I have just started back to "serious" work-outs (besides easy walks). So far what I've been most "surprised" about is the fact that I can't jump right back in to the intensity that I stopped at. This seems obvious but when you stop working out kind of suddenly, it feels weird to practically be starting at 0! If you are BFing, that will help majorly with water weight and the first big bulk of your baby weight.
So far my big advice is to listen to your body, even though you'll want to start quickly and hit it hard to start losing more weight... In the long run everything will be easier if you don't push yourself too hard too early.