Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

If you were 16 and pregnant...

would your parents let you move out with your baby daddy? I still cannot believe that Maci's parents let her and Ryan live together when Bentley was a baby. Would you be "allowed" to live with a boyfriend when you were a teenager?


(If you haven't guessed, mine would NEVER allow such a thing). 

Re: If you were 16 and pregnant...

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    I'm pretty sure the answer would have been no.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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    If I had been 16 and pregnant but able to be self sufficient mayybe... but clearly that wasn't the case. They certainly wouldn't have helped me financially to live with him.
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    Not really sure.  I think they may have let me go, but they CERTAINLY wouldn't have let the baby go.  They would have gone to legal efforts to keep their grand baby in a safe/healthy environment which I don't think I could have provided at 16 with a baby daddy.  
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    Well I had my oldest at 17.  Yeah not ideal but my husband (then BF) and I took full responsibility for our child.  When my daughter was about 18 months old my parents let him move in with me and my sister (she is older and was never home).  My dad worked on the road and my mom wanted to go work with him as well.  They would come back into town every so often for a few days or a few months, just depending on the job.  He is 2 years older than me and we lived right by my grandma.  My parents felt more comfortable having him there even though the neighbor was there watching out and my grandma.  They paid all of the bills for the house and had us use that time to save up to move out on our own.  Had they have not let him move in he probably would not have been able to stay in school like he did so it worked out great and we appreciate that help we had still today.  When I look back at it my parents were not so smart for them to both be on the road but I was over 18 so it's not like they HAD to be there to babysit me and they went from on the verge of divorce to rekindling their relationship so I am glad they did it, especially since my dad passed away a few years ago.
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    My parents would have said hell no.
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    I was 17 and pregnant.  My parents offered to pay for my boyfriend's tux for prom and said he could spend the night.  The catch was that he was going to be sleeping in my sister's room and my sis was going to sleep in my room.  In my bed.  With me. 

    There would have been no living together when we were that age. 

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    No way. I on the other hand would've wanted my parents support and probably have stayed in their house anyways.
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    um. no.
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    At 16, no way. Honestly, I don't know what I would have done though. I moved in with my now DH at 18. We were high school sweethearts then went to the same college. I had a bad situation with my dorm mates and his roomate transferred schools and was leaving him with the apt payment since his name wasn't on the lease for some reason. It made sense to move in together. I thought my parents were going to go crazy on me, but they weren't giving me any monetary help, and I think they honestly felt safer having me with him than the roommates from my dorm.

    If I was pregnant at 16 I probably would have stayed at home and went to the local college branch near my house. I would guess DH (bf at the time) would have had to go away to college because there were no pharmacy schools close by. That would have been a rough 6 years. We weren't really sexually active back then anyway though.

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    No.   I wasn't allowed to have my boyfriend spend the night...even if we were in different rooms, it didn't matter.  We lived up in the mountains, 20 miles from town.  By the time 11pm rolled around, he had to go home.
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    If I was 16, probably not. I think they would have when I was 17 though-after high school.

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    My DH ( boyfriend at time) lived with me at my parents house when I turned sixteen and he had just turned seventeen.  We didn't have a baby until after we were married, but we slept in the same room, and my parents were not stupid, they knew what we were doing.  We lived at my parents house until right after I graduated and after we got married (3 weeks after graduation, it was planned not a fling though)  and we moved out as soon as we both started college together, and then we found out we were pregnant that Thanksgiving.  If I would have gotten pregnant at 16 it probably would have been about the same, DH had a job, I lived 1/2 mile from school, my mom would have babysat when I was at school and we would have lived just like we did but with another person.
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    Um, at sixteen you're legally allowed to move out on your own, so there's not much they could rightly do about it. They'd throw a fit, yeah, but again, nothing they could do.
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    My sister had a baby in her (later) teens, and my mother let her bf move in. Her thinking was that the baby would have a better/safer/more stable home there than out with 2 teen-parents somewhere, and she wanted to encourage the father/bf to be involved in the baby's life. She was afraid that if she said the father could not be there, one of two things could happen. Either the father would distance himself from them/the baby, or they would take it as our mom not supporting them and want to venture out on their own.. and they were not in a position (financially, or maturity-wise) to try to hack it on their own. I think that given the circumstances, letting the bf move in was the best choice
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    I believe the exact answer would have been "he!! no!"
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    No, but I wouldn't have wanted to anyway. I would have wanted my parents' help and support first and foremost, before I would have wanted help from the baby's father.
    S- March 09 E- Feb 12 L- May 15

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    I joke with my mom and dad to this day, because DH & I were together (off and on) in HS...and I keep telling them,

    "Hey we could've had DS way back when.  What would you guys do if that had happened?"

    It would be very interesting.  DS was our first pregnancy and first birth too...hey it could've happened.


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    If I was 16 and pregnant I would have been dead.  There would be no way they would have ever let me move out at 16.  I came from a seriously strict family.  
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    Absolutely not.
    J - 9/6/09 L and A - 1/17/12
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    Yes. They would tell me that I need to face the reality of being a parent. My parents are the tough love kind of people. It would be that or they'd ship me off to some young mothers boarding school.
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    I'm pretty sure that would be a big fat hell yes.

    My mom always told me that if I'm old enough to have sex and have a baby, then I'm old enough to live on my own and be completely responsible for it.  THAT was birth control enough for me.

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    Never, no way, no how.
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    i was pg at 16 and theres  NO WAY I would have been able to move out. He moved in for a few months for other reasons, but that didnt last long at all. He wasnt the brightest crayon in the box and certainly not daddy material.
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    No way. They would definitely be supportive but I wouldn't be allowed to live anyway but in their house.
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    Heck no. But then I wouldn't have been in that position in the first place.
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    Yes. They would tell me that I need to face the reality of being a parent. My parents are the tough love kind of people. It would be that or they'd ship me off to some young mothers boarding school.

    I thought you were in boarding school.....?

    Or am I confusing you with another bumpie?

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