
Jury duty..

I got the post card in the mail for jury duty when I was 32ish weeks along and on bedrest! I filled it out saying I was on bed rest, high risk pregnancy, etc. I was relieved from that case but now got another summons to appear in December.. Now I'm obviously not pregnant but I am a SAHM so we only have 1 income.. We can't afford day care for the twins.. I also worry about putting them in dag care in the winter since they were preemies.. Finally, I an breastfeeding (mostly pumping) its just not the most ideal time for me to participate as a juror.. Do you think they will let me out if I give those reasons? Has anyone been through something similar?
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Re: Jury duty..

  • Just wanted to say hi sweetie!!! :)
    TTC# 1 Since 10/2005----Diagnosed with PCOS March of 2006
    multiple failed cycles, multiple IUIs, lap with ovarian drilling 4/2008
    Finally BFP on 11/23/09 beta#1=36 beta#2 =62 beta#3=139
    Liliana was born on March 27,2010 at 21w5d due to infection and pre-term labor
    BFP #2 on 6/20/10 after Gonal-F and TI First u/s showed Twins! 
    TTC#2 since 02/2012 with out RE... 
    Back to RE 08/2016----- Cycle #1 10/2016 Femara 7.5mg=???

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • I don't know what the rule is in NJ, but in CA you can be excused from service if you are the primary caregiver for a child age 5 and under or a sick or elderly person.  Breastfeeding moms can also be excused.  We're given the option to mail the form back with the boxes marked/info filled out or go online and enter the information.  You usually get excused right away.

    Good luck! 

                                                 Rainbow - Married - 5/31/03
                                               Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
                                        Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

    Lilypie - (eGB2)
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  • I don't think you'll have a problem getting out of it.  My mom was a SAHM and got out of jury duty for years because of it.  She never had any issues being excused.  We didn't have other family around to watch us - she may have mentioned that to help her case.

    I think you've got many valid reasons, so I can't see them making you do it at this time.  Good luck! 

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imagenina&matt:
    Just wanted to say hi sweetie!!! :)
    Hey babes :-) it's really good to see you over here!!!! Your ticker makes me smile- 20 weeks already!? Hope all is well xo
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I got one last month. It said I had a week to reply with any supporting documents. I sent a letter stating that I was the primary caregiver of twins along with a copy of their birth certificates.

    I was excused.

    If I were you and they made me go, I would show up with my pump! And use it! And don't forget the ice chest to keep it cold!  Wink

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