You all know the dramas we've been having with getting places at a daycare for the boys. I've been worrying that if it's been this hard to get 3 days per week somewhere, it's going to be nearly impossible to get 5 days a week when we need them next July.
So today we put in applications at a few more centers for next year, applying at places we didn't originally consider because they were a lot farther away than the others (most would add an extra 30-40 min to our commutes to and from work each day). At one of them, the lady gently told us that we could apply if we really wanted to but it would be a waste of our time at the moment...however, if we still needed care when the boys were 2 years old, that they *might* be able get us in then.
TWO YEARS OLD!?! Are you kidding me? That's how backed up some of the waitlists are here.
Re: freaking hell (daycare related)
I don't know - I really don't. I'm totally mystified as to how people actually get places for their kids. I mean, I know we're applying for two spots and not one, but it's still crazy.
I think a higher percentage of Aussie mothers stay home for the first year (or more) of their child's life than moms in the USA, and that makes it even weirder - you'd think there would be MORE places available, you know?
Oh, there is one daycare in town that several centers told us would probably have places available, so I looked at their website and realized why: because sending two babies there would cost $3500 a month.
So. Not. Happening.
ugh. that. sucks. i'm stressed enough about finding daycare as a backup - thankfully, MH and I decided to try finding a part-time nanny instead, so I don't have to worry about it for a few more months
i'm assuming you've already thought about this route, but...know any aussie moms staying home with their kid(s) who want to make some extra money?
Arg. I am so sorry. Does the university you work for have a daycare? I know that some here have that and the childhood development majors work there.
Another idea...not sure if it would work for you since I think you said you have a small home, but maybe getting an au pair? Or sharing a nanny with another family? And finally, which I also know you've said would work only if you guys really scaled back your expenses, etc., but what about staying home with the boys until they can go to school or preschool? You might find that it is actually more cost effective. Who knows, maybe you'll be that mom who takes some other mom's kids a couple of days a week and make some money that way, while being home with the boys. Since you're already making a safe play area, it might work to have one or two more a couple of days a week.
TTC/PG Blog | Mommy Blog
This is what we're doing with a friend of mine until Christmas, but it's only 2 days a week and she's looking for a full time job right now.
Home daycare here is organized through a central government agency (carers register with the agency and parents get matched with prospective carers). However, this also has a waitlist - we've been on it for months.
A nanny is a no-go - they make more than I do! Plus we'd have to contribute to their retirement, etc. And I live in the country - there just aren't any around here.
The university - yes and no. There is one on the grounds, but it operates independently and is open to the public. It's also arguably the best daycare in town and the waitlist is ridiculous - we've been on it since I was 7 weeks pregnant, and checked in with them the other day to see how things were going with getting places. We were told for sure not next year and only possibly for the year after that.
I've looked at staying home and possibly doing in home care, but it just wouldn't bring in enough income (since I'd only be able to take in 1-2 older kids).
wow! sounds like you have already thought about all the different options. i'm sorry it is so hard to get someone there. do they do au pairs in AUS or is that only in the US?
i don't have any really good suggestions, just wanted to say i'm sorry it's so tough for you to find affordable care there!
Jaime & Brent
Oahu, Hawaii | Sept. 9, 2005
My Food Blog - Good Eats 'n Sweet Treats
Thanks for the sympathy...I know it might sound dopey, but honestly it's nice just to hear you (and other ladies) say what a sucky situation it is. I mentioned it to a few locals and they just looked at me like, "Yeah, so? Whaddya want?"
They have au pairs here, but they run about the same as a nanny - and I've never heard of them being willing to travel outside of a major city (I guess since they're generally foreign, they want to be somewhere that's a travel hub so they can sightsee, which I can totally understand).