When I was 18 I was pregnant with my first child, Chase. I had a basically easy pregnancy no morning sickness. It was a text book pregnancy as you can say. I was due late May.
It was spring break of 06 and I was just sitting around at home like I always did. I went to the rest room and noticed I had lost my mucos plug. I called my mom and told her I had lost it. She said it was no big deal and most women lose it and don't go into labor. So I just ignored it and went back to my living room. Minutes later I felt something wet. I went back to the rest room and started leaking. I then called my mom again and told her "I think my water broke." I called the Dr. and she told me to come.
When we got to the hospital they reeled me in and kept me in one of those just in case rooms. They asked for the pad that I had filled and got one of those test strips to see if it was amniotic fluid. Well it was. My water had broke at 34 weeks. It was natural not on purpose. It was just his time to come.
They said at this point the main object is to get my son out ASAP. They hooked me up to potossin and got things to business. This was around 12 in the after noon on March 28, 2006.
The contractions were horrible. They were so strong and kept coming and coming. Around 3 in the morning they put me on oxygen and told me that my sons heart rate was going down with every contraction.
Around 10 in the morning they told me that it was about time for me to start pushing. The contractions werent in the front anymore. It was ALL back labor. Turns out my son wasnt turning like he was supposed to. He stayed face up the whole time. I was pushing and pushing and nothing was happening.
I ended up pushing for about 6 hours. They pulled out the vaccum and tried to pull him out 3 times and each time the vaccum popped off his little head. The 4th time the Dr told me that she couldnt help me anymore that I would have to do it from now. I was exhausted, hungry, and scared. So with all my might I pushed as hard as I could and he popped out. I ended up having to recieve a medio lateral episiotmy 3rd degree.
The NICU took him right away. I only got to hold him and see him for 2 seconds and they took him away. His lungs were under developed. He weighed 5 pounds 14 ounces. Was born on March 29, 2006 at 3:54 pm.
He needed a nasal respirator for about 3 days and a feeding tube for about 2 weeks. He had his IV in for 3 weeks. He was finally able to come home with us when he was 1 month old.
Now he is a healthy 4 year old boy. He is my soldier/survivor. And a great big brother.
Re: Not New To The Bump But I Do Have A Preemie [Long]
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10