
Ovarian Drilling Success

I had it done on August 26 and tomorrow I find out if it worked. I am on Metformin 1000mg twice a day and Clomid 100mg. Has anyone had experience with this? I am hoping that I get good news. I am nervous and thought I would see if anyone else is in the same situation? Thanks!

Re: Ovarian Drilling Success

  • OD is my next step so I'm interested in seeing how it worked for you. How severe a case is your PCOS?
    DX PCOS w/IR 01/08.
    Currently pg with our 1st after 6.5 yrs of IF (thank you IVF)
    My IF/Everything Blog
    There's No Crying in Baseball
    ***My posts are always SAIFW**
  • I was told I have severe PCOS. I tried the highest dose of Clomid and Metformin and didn't ovulate. :-( Insurance covers drilling and not IVF, so I thought I should try everything possible.
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  • Yeah Clomid did nothing for me. I am 100% OOP so we skipped trying femara and went to Follistim and Bravelle for our IUIs. I'm hoping some of the OD will be covered with it being coded not as IF related. We'll see. After that my RE wants to do maybe one or two cycles more before heading to IVF but I'm not sure. I guess I'll make that decision when we see how successful the surgery was. GL!
    DX PCOS w/IR 01/08.
    Currently pg with our 1st after 6.5 yrs of IF (thank you IVF)
    My IF/Everything Blog
    There's No Crying in Baseball
    ***My posts are always SAIFW**
  • i'm sorry. what is ovarian drilling? i've never heard of it. thanks!
  • I just feel like IVF is the last step. I felt like I had to at least try OD. I wasn't super thrilled about it but felt like it was my only option. My doc didn't think any additional injections,etc would work for me if I didn't have it done.  The surgery wasn't bad at all. I recovered well. Not sure if the 100mg of Clomid is working. I have never ovulated, so not sure if I am now. Guess I will see what the transvaginal US reveals tomorrow.  Good luck to you too!  I will let you know how my appt goes.
  • imagejay18lyn:
    i'm sorry. what is ovarian drilling? i've never heard of it. thanks!


    I just hope it works. I'm trying to lose weight before I do it though. I want to give myself the best chance I can.

    DX PCOS w/IR 01/08.
    Currently pg with our 1st after 6.5 yrs of IF (thank you IVF)
    My IF/Everything Blog
    There's No Crying in Baseball
    ***My posts are always SAIFW**
  • I hope OD worked for you! How will they know if it worked or not? I've heard people have a much better response to oral meds after OD. Good luck to you!
  • I had OD done in June. It was a quick recovery and I feel that it has made a HUGE difference in the way that my body has responded to meds. Since the OD, I did two cycles of clomid and injectables and ovulated at the "normal" two week timeline. That is something I never did before. I produced one nice folllicle during each IUI cycle. They didn't work and I decided to do IVF again. I had a much different experience with this IVF cycle vs. my first one before OD. I need much less medication to form 15 follicles and had 13 eggs retreived. Last time I had 27 eggs retreived and developed OHSS as a result and was very sick. I was told my egg quality was compromised because of this and had embryos that wouldn't stick. This time I had responded much better to the meds and had a smooth cycle so far. I am scheduled to have my transfer on Thurs. Even though I am not an official OD success story, I feel very strongly that it has helped my ovaries to become more "normal" and I wish that I had done it earlier.
  • By a transvaginal ultrasound. The doc will be able to see if I am  ovulating and if I have any potential eggs. Prior to the surgery he could only see lots of cysts. I hope it worked!! :-)
  • You have been through a lot!! Sorry you have had such a hard time.  I hope Thurs goes well for you!! It is amazing what a roller coaster it is. I never realized I had such a severe case of PCOS.  I took Clomid 100mg and am on Metformin 1000mg twice a day. Are  you on Metformin? When exactly do you do the injectables? I think that is my next step. Why did the doc think the IUI didn't work for you? I am glad I had the surgery. I feel like I have to exhaust all the options before IVF, just to so I know I have tried and done all I can do.  Good luck to to you!!! Thanks for your post!

  • Thank you for your well wishes. I started Metformin in April of this year when I switched RE. I am not sure if it has helped but I figure it can't hurt. I did the injectables after I took the clomid and went in for a follicle check. My RE used a vial or two of Bravelle injectable to get the follicle growing in time. It worked both times, but I still didn't get pregnant. My RE chalked it up to just the one in four chance for every cycle to work. After having gone through this long enough, I decided to go to IVF again to try to maximize my chances and to hopefully freeze some embryos while my ovaries are still "fresh" from OD. Good luck to you! Sounds like you are on the right track. Feel free to PM me if you have any more questions.

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