Hawaii Babies


I think I have the flu and my bm supply is tanking because of it. I tried to nurse but I try to face away from LO and he doesn't seem to nurse very long cuz he keeps stopping to look at why I'm looking away. I just tried pumping and could only get 2oz. Crying
Sept 2008 Wedding | May 2010 & Mar 2012 Babies

Re: ugh

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    Sorry... Sucks. Try being sick AND having your period at the same time... or not. That is a supply killer combo. :-( 

    Just drink TONS of water, keep pumping, know that your supply will rebound, and get plenty of sleep to get better!!! 

    Malia & Dave & Alexa
    Happily married since 2-17-08! Three since 9-9-09!
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    Just drink TONS of water, keep pumping, know that your supply will rebound, and get plenty of sleep to get better!!! 

    this!!  how long have you been sick? you may not even be contagious anymore so you may not need to turn away from him. or have you considered a mask or something? or would he look at you funny if you did that? Stick out tongue   just remember that he is way more efficient than the pump...so he may still be getting enough even though you are pumping less.  or, he could be teething? just ride it out and do what malia said :)

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    :(  Sorry you're under the weather.  I was sick about a month ago and while nursing K, used to wear those hospital face masks... scary, I know! ;)  He would stare up at me with this "wtf?" look...but I talked to him, sang some songs and made funny noises so he'd know it was me and thankfully, he didn't cry and was able to nurse as usual. 

    Good luck and hope you feel better soon! :) 

    **a girl from Hawaii, living and driving in South India**

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    I am sorry you're not feeling well.  IMHO you can face LO while nursing, even when sick.  He's already been exposed to you and also getting your immunity from your BM.  So nurse as normal...I did and honestly Libby got a few sniffles (she had them at the same time since we got them while flying) and was well in a matter of a couple of days. You might also try eating some oatmeal and drinking some mama's milk tea...both would probably feel good since you're under-the-weather and both are supposed to help boost your supply.  Hang in their mama!
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    Thanks all. Feeling a wee better today but still cruddy. Yeah, I tried the mask and he cried until he heard me talk =P I just got sick Sun night. Not sure if I'm contagious yet but yeah, he's prolly exposed to it already. We're checking his temperature everyday to make sure he doesn't get a fever...
    Sept 2008 Wedding | May 2010 & Mar 2012 Babies
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