I've been wanting to CD but everyone IRL is super negative about it and it just occurred to me to check out this board so here's my question(s) to all of you experienced mommys...
1) What brand, in your opinion, is the best/easiest for a person new to CDing? (SN: We won't be cloth diapering until she's about 2 months old due to the large amount of diapers we have received and the research I've done on newborn's size and CDing)
2) Does it really save you as much money as studies show?
3) How many should I buy?
I'm sorry if this is a PIA ? for everyone but I really need some advice... again TIA!
Re: newbie to CDing please help! TIA!
1. More than brand, type of diaper is what makes it easier. Pockets and AIOs are the easiest. but I am new to CDing too and have used everything- fitteds, pockets, AIOs, AI2s and prefolds.
2. Yes it can. of course, if you are a CD addict like I am probably not as money saving as it can be. Also, the easier systems like pockets and AIOs are more expensive than things like prefolds.
3. How often do you want to wash? You need to change every couple of hours every day. Up until about 3 months this was also through the night since he was still pooping 24/7.So 10-12 per day. But now he STTN. if you want to wash every other day you are going to want about 24 IMO.
1. There is no easiest/best. Everyone has a favorite, and it can change over time. I would recommend a small, varied stash and go from there.
2. It depends. If you buy a lot of brand new, high-end CDs you won't save as much as if you buy seconds, or used, but you can still save $.
3. At least 2 dozen if you want to wash every other day.
See the FAQ at the top of the board for more info.