So I'm about to start the 4-5 hot wash cycles that is recommended in the instruction pamphlet that came from GMD. But I am confused. Do I use detergent or not for these prep washes?
You can boil them for 20 min and save the hassle of the multiple washes. Just do them in batches of 4 or 5 prefolds.
This. It will save you a lot of time and money. After boiling, you can throw them into your regular dirty diaper wash or wash on hot with cold rinse with detergent.
Id use a small bit of blue dawn. You need something in the first few washes to help strip the oils from the cotton. You dont have to use something for every wash though. Id only do the first 2 or 3...
Re: prepping unbleached prefolds
Yes. It'll help strip the oils.
You can boil them for 20 min and save the hassle of the multiple washes. Just do them in batches of 4 or 5 prefolds.
This. It will save you a lot of time and money. After boiling, you can throw them into your regular dirty diaper wash or wash on hot with cold rinse with detergent.