Hawaii Babies

Another Q for CD Mamas

How do you dry your prefolds and how long does it take?

I usually line dry, but I tried the dryer the other day when I was in a pinch and trying to speed things up. I think we might be having dryer issues because I just threw in a handful of prefolds and cloth wipes and they took FOREVER to dry.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Re: Another Q for CD Mamas

  • Hmmm, not noticeably long.  I do one normal cycle on the moisture sensing setting and it usually shuts off around the same time as a normal wash cycle - so about 50 minutes?  I only dry the prefolds, inserts, and occasionally the BG organic AIOs (aka elementals). The AIO are not dry at the end of the cycle so I just let them hang overnight and they are dry by the morning. 

    If the AIOs are not in there then I use the high heat/cotton moisture sensing setting and it only takes about 30 mins.  We have a gas dryer.

  • I dry it on one cycle just like our clothes, they are usually dry before the cycle even finishes. Usually there's about 30 diapers, about 10 hemp liners, 10 fleece liners and 30 cloth wipes in there.
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  • Oh my! Yes, we are definitely having dryer issues. I had maybe 7 prefolds and a couple BG liners in there with 30 thin wipes, and the prefolds were still damp after an entire cycle. When I stuck my hand in there, I noticed the temperature wasn't warm, either. Oh well, guess there's a reason why I line dry everything these days. Thanks for the input!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Ours generally take one times through the drawer on "towel setting" which is 1 hr on maximum.  We wash about 24 pfs and 4 dozen cloth wipes at one time though.
  • i am usually washing about 12-15 PFs, 2-3 Goodmamas, plus wipes...and the load is done after 50 min on high. i find that if i let the dryer sense when things are dry, it stops prematurely.

    one trick - throw a clean, dry towel in there to cut down on the drying time. dryer balls will do that too.

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