This is inspired by a debate I read on another forum (not the Bump - and not linking to it because I don't want to encourage the drama lol).
Basically, it started out with one person saying how bad disposable diapers were for the environment / a baby's bum / finances, etc. Someone else said that unless the first poster was willing to use cloth pads - like so - for their period, then they were a hypocrite. (I suppose you could go one step further and argue for the use of family cloth as well, but it wasn't mentioned in the post and for the purposes of this poll we'll ignore it.)
I'm not trying to start a debate here - I'm just curious if this is anything many (if any) CD using mamas are doing or have seriously considered, since I have seen cloth pads for sale on a lot of CD websites.
Re: CD mamas - weird question for you
Yeah, I know, I don't CD - but we did plan on it at one point so I'm answering the poll anyway.
I pink puffy heart my tampons, and I have an IUD so I can't use anything like a Diva Cup - so I would never seriously consider using them because I loathe wearing huge pads. Plus, to be totally honest, I find it oddly ooky - not sure why I regard it as ickier than CDs?
It's just so odd because I can't figure out WHY I feel this way.
I mean it's really not any different from poop in CDs, when you get right down to it (yes OK, it's blood not poo, but you get what I'm saying hygiene-wise). And yet when I think about it, I just go, "Oh HELLS NO."
We CD during the day and then use disposables at night (so the K can sleep for longer stretches without waking himself up because he's wet/cold). And I'm ok with the poop cleaning of the CDs...I would go even as far to say that I'm cool with it.
But, the thought of using a reusable pad for myself just gives me the heebee-jeebees! :P No thank you!
I puffy heart tampons too. I've only had one period since Bella so that means I have only had one period in 2 yrs!! Insane and awesome at the same time! I also puffy heart the always infinity pads for post baby bleeding. They are thin and comfortable if you have to wear a pad. My aunt uses the diva cup and she loves it, she says it's way more comfortable than tampons and well pads just suck.
I'm not sure why but reusable pads give me the heeby jeebies too... I mean I need wings and them to stick to my panties.. wouldn't they slip and slide all over... ew it makes me feel gross even thinking about it! Besides that, now I could wash them with CD's but what would I do once I was no longer diapering? It's not like I'd go through enough pads for a load of laundry? That would be a waste of resources in my opinion to run an entire "small load" for a few things...
i'm pretty sure a lot of the girls on the EFF board use a diva cup or cloth pads. i would never use cloth by myself ugh. but i am considering trying the diva cup later - i had never heard of it until a friend of mine was preparing for a year-long around the world trip, and she loves it!
eta: i totally agree with sarah too on the washing thing - not sure how that works! plus, old blood stains clothing a lot, doesn't it? i guess it doesn't matter if they're stained, but i wouldn't want to throw them in with regular laundry, i don't think? *plus*, i puffy heart tampons too and hate feeling wet down there - i think i get yeast infections or something when i don't stay dry - super itchy - which means i'd be changing it all the time. so i'd have to carry a wetbag around, and ...yeah. diva cup sounds so much easier.
I have a diva cup. I haven't had a period since having Jack + 9 mo PLUS the fact that I had such horrible hormonal issues before then... so I think I have used it about 3 times in 2+ years. It's super nice and I am sensitive to the smells in disposable items (even tampons) so this works really well for me.
I also have no problem with blood (of my own... I might have issues trying to stop a strangers hemorrhage or something). I used up the pads the hospital sent me home with and then used cloth - nothing fancy, just a mix of preemie prefolds and flats. I would spray them with bac out and wash them with diapers. Maybe surprisingly I felt cleaner than when using the smelly hospital disposable pads. I wasn't really active so getting them to stay in place wasn't an issue.
We CD and I do it a lot for environmental reasons. I also like cloth breast pads. But I am really not interested in cloth pads for my period! Maybe it's not so different from the other stuff, but still... no thanks. Props to those who do, though!
Just because you try to help out the environment in one case doesn't mean you have to do it every.single.time.
agree completely. Even if you only cloth diaper for the environmental reasons (and most people state many other reasons for using them beyond the environmental benefit) and still use disposable items for other aspects in your life it's still a pretty big committment to a healthy environment. ~10 diapers a day for +/- 2 years saved from the landfill.
I agree. I like to use a lot of natural cleaning products in my house, but when it comes to my shower, it's bleach and heavy duty cleaner all the way. Vinegar and baking soda just in my shower. I don't know if Ben sweats tar or something, but that scum will not come off unless I use industrial strength cleansers in there.
Based on glancing at the products for sale, I think - and I could be wrong, since I didn't really investigate it - that you basically make a wet bucket with them. Put water in the bucket, add some kind of cleanser (which I saw for sale on the site - not sure what it is, if it's natural or not) and leave them to soak before you put them in the laundry. I suppose if you do that first then there isn't a problem putting them in with the rest of your clothes since the blood hasn't had time to set and dry?
i've seriously considered it, esp after frequenting diaperswappers and seeing various WAHM products for sale...they have ones w/wings and everything too which was something i was concerned about. i used pads a lot at first when i was younger and then tampons almost exclusively after that. since i did not know about cloth pads until i was PG, and still haven't had a period, i haven't really had to decide.
i have to say, though, that i have been hesitant to take the plunge b/c i am not sure if i would like them or not. i have read on multiple occasions about how women have lighter periods and fewer cramps when they use cloth vs disposable pads. something about the chemicals that are in the pads.
b/c i wasn't sure about cloth, i've also considered sea sponges. i am not sure if i can get over the fact that you have to reach in there and pull it out though. that was my least favorite part about the nuvaring - having to take it out - ewww. other than that aspect, i could totally see myself using the sea sponge and would have no issues w/rinsing it out and getting a little blood on my hands (since i have to wash my hands anyway). i think what appeals to me most is that they are sort of similar to tampons (nothing up against your skin) and you don't have that awful dry feeling if you pull it out before it's saturated (like you have w/tampons). i still haven't made up my mind yet about what i will use when the time comes, but i am hoping that won't be for a while
fyi, stephanie @ abby's lane talked about sea sponges in one of her newsletters, i'll C&P the info here for anyone interested
Sea Sponges have become my preferred method since the birth of my second daughter. I can still use the Diva, but here is why I like the sponges better:
-They are very easy to use. No adjusting to get it in the right spot, if you push them in as high as you can, you get a perfect fit every time. They are soft, absorbent, and conform to your body. There is no suction keeping them in place, so there is no seeping around the sides that can occur. Like any of these devices, use a backup pantyliner when trying them out and at nighttime to collect any overflow than they can handle.
No risk of TSS, no dioxins to carry any harmful after effects, no bleached paper products that dry out your vagina.
For those who use tampons exclusively, how nice would it be to:
-Be able to insert something early so you don't have to worry about the "when" of your cycle catching you off guard in the mall with 2 kids in tow? Especially for that first post partum period that you never see coming? Now, picture being able to have that protection with out the horrid dry feeling of pulling out a dry tampon to change it when your cycle starts not on cue. That scratchy, skin-pulling feeling that stings after that tampon is removed, knowing you have pulled on your internal skin to get it out.
-Not have to worry about finding a trash can to dispose of tampons in. Especially at friends or family's houses, when you don't know when they will take out their bathroom trash, and you leave behind embarrassing odors. Or, in your own house not having to worry about taking out the empty trashcan just to throw away one tampon?
-Saving $$ over disposable products
-Protecting your health, and mother earth with the lack of more disposable products.
-Having to leave in that last tampon and pulling it off barely used, encountering the same pain and discomfort as the first tampon of the cycle.
-That great feeling of having a huge bulging tampon in on your heaviest day
-Many women confirm their cramps are LESSENED by sea sponges, when you have a non-drying device in place, your body isn't working so hard to discharge it, This isn't the case for all women, but isn't it worth a try?
Sponges, I have found, are cleaner than tampons. I could never use tampons with completely "clean" hands 100% of the time, since you wash your hands anyway after using a tampon, wash your sponge with them!
In public, carry a water bottle in your purse with you, rinse them out as best you can, wash fully when you get home. Caught without a water bottle? Squeeze out as best you can, reinsert and clean later. I have a very heavy flow for the first 3 days, and I clean my sponges every 3 hours during the day with no problems, and use a panty liner at night to protect myself.
Really, for the price you have to give them a try. One sponge can be reused for 3-6 cycles, just wash thoroughly with hydrogen peroxide in between cycles. A 2 pack that comes with them lasts you for 6-12 cycles, They are worth a try, if you are open to giving them a shot, now is a great time
Email me with any questions, nothing is "TMI", and I am very passionate about helping you find a safe and comfortable alternative to your cycle.
Jaime & Brent
Oahu, Hawaii | Sept. 9, 2005
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