Baby Names

Double Names

Double names are huge here in the south, especially for girls. Is anyone considering a double name? ex. Anna Claire, Mary Margaret, Mary Beth, Jane Claire, Mary Kate (all names of girls I grew up with)
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Re: Double Names

  • I think a few of those are really cute but I could only see myself picking a double name if it was Mary-Ann that was my grandmothers name that died when I was about 5. but I cant picture my FI agreeing to it.
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  • DD is Lillie Kate. But we've never really called her by the full name. There are 6 people who call her Lillie Kate. My FIL and his girlfriend, my best friend, her husband and their two kids. LOL It just didn't suit her. We're both named after my great grandmother, but I'm Kate Elizabeth instead. My DH started calling her Little Kate when she would get an attitude as a baby just to mess with me, so out went Lillie Kate for me.
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  • I live in the South, but double names have not really grown on me yet. I do sort of like the more classic sounding ones like Anna Claire and Mary Kate, but not really anything ending in Jo, Mae, etc. ;) One of my nieces is named Annemarie, and I like names like that better than an official double name.
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  • I am not pregnant, but I have always liked double names.  I especially like Mary Louise, which is a family name.  Anna Claire is cute.
  • I am Texan. I have family roots in Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina and Tennessee. I am very proud to be from the South, and embrace most things about our culture, but there is no way I would even consider giving my daughter a double name. I'm not sure why, because it is absolutely a big thing to do around here.

    I think it just sounds too cutesy. Plus then you have to decide if you're going to do Mary-Beth, Marybeth, or MaryBeth. Then she will have to spell out her name for everyone, even for the simplest name.

    "Hi, my name is MaryBeth. That's M-A-R-Y-NoSpace-CapitalB-E-T-H. Nice to meet you." ...and you thought Margaret was a mouthful... haha

  • DH is from the south and my parents may as well be (double names are HUGE in their culture). However, my experience growing up in the north proved that most people drop the second name up here, this is what happened to me growing up. For this reason, we would only consider a double name that is spelled as one name, such as Marianna. If, however, we lived in the south, we would probably feel differently.
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  • No.  I grew up in the FL panhandle & I never once met someone (male or female) with a double name.  I only know one (Deborah Jo) and met her here in Colorado.
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  • One of my sisters has a double name (first name is a family name, 2nd/middle was the name my parents liked; it's a variation of a common double name, so my sister constantly is called by the common double name instead of her double name).  Several of my cousins children also have double names, but they are not common.  DH is completely against it ;(
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