
christening gowns?

where to get?  I would have thought that some of the major retailers would carry them.  Anyone know a store that does?  I know BrU does but eh. 

Re: christening gowns?

  • Sears definitely has them, and I think JC Penny might, too.  Go online - they have a better selection.  I got my godson's outfit there and he was so cute!  You can also try Etsy, Amazon, and probably ebay or craigslist. 
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  • There were some links to places that carry them in this thread.
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  • If you didn't like the ones at BRU you probably won't have much luck at the other department stores. At least by me, when I was looking, they seemed to have the same things. I agree... check online. GL!
  • We just had our girls Christened this weekend. It was hard to find gowns that were small enough.  And whenI looked in Sears, BBU, etc they always had only one in the smallest size.  We ended up finding som oneline at  Actually I'm going to be selling them if anyone is interested....only wore them for 2 hours.
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