Baby Names

MN thoughts?

We're leaning towards Lorelei for DD#2.


Lorelei Aurora

Lorelei Rose

Anyone have any other MN suggestions or thoughts on these two?

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Re: MN thoughts?

  • I really like Aurora, but Lorelai Aurora sounds like a mouthful. I think with a name so full of vowels like Lorelai, I would go with a middle name that doesn't have as many syllables & vowels. Rose sounds nice.
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  • imageanna7602:
    I really like Aurora, but Lorelai Aurora sounds like a mouthful. I think with a name so full of vowels like Lorelai, I would go with a middle name that doesn't have as many syllables & vowels. Rose sounds nice.

    This was exactly what I was thinking. I think Aurora is nice, but too much with Lorelai (which is also nice). Lorelai with a single-syllable MN, such as Rose, sounds pretty.

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