A couple weeks ago I posted about finding out a guy I work with is expecting his first baby and how sad I was, but that at least none of the ladies at work were PG so I didn't have to see the growing bellies. Well, I just found out three girls I work with are all PG. And another guy's wife is expecting too. that brings the total PG announcements up to 8 in the past month.
The three today were the hardest. Thank God I found out on the weekend when no one is here, and it was my friend who knows about what we are going through who told me. As soon as she said who they were I just started bawling. They all got married after us. Can I please go hide in a closet someplace for the next six months so I don't have to be around all these happy PG ladies at work?
Re: I jinxed myself.
TTC since 2007
6 IUIs, 3 IVFs, and 2 m/c :< PCOS, Blood Clotting Disorder & MFI
IVF #2 Aug 2011 is a BFN:<
IVF #3 March 2012 is a BFN
Not sure what to do now. Sad and lost.
It is hard , I've been there. Just think your time will come : )
Oh, I am so sorry! That is way too much and one time. I would've cried too.
Big ((hugs))
That sucks, I'd be upset too.
AHHHHH! It's got to be so hard to work with pg women. I have some in my building but not my dept. Huge hugs. It has got to be your turn soon, sweetie!
I am so sorry!
during our first year of TTC, I didn't really get it when women got upset over a PG was announced BUT then it hit me and it hit hard. My cousin announced on fb that she is will find out the sex of baby XXXXX, I had no idea she was pregnant. I was crushed so depressed and crying. We are the same age and she got married 2 years after we did
I had to cry in the bathroom for 1/2 hour, it was terrible