We recently decided to start trying for #3. I'm really excited and nervous all at the same time. Is anyone else ready to do it again or am I the only crazy one?
I did it, but NOT planned at all. I get PG while BFing.
I had 3 kids in 3 years and it was HARD. MUCH harder than going from 1-2 and I had a VERY VERY easy baby #3 (except not so great a sleeper). BUT, it is getting a bit easier now.
It all depends on a lot of factors - whether or not it will be doable or hard for you.
Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
You are not crazy, I have three boys that are close enough in age & love it. I still found going from 0 to 1 the hardest transition (but that might be because my oldest was born with a birth defect)... so it just made 2 & 3 that much easier. I would love to have another child too!
We have DS#1 who is 10, DS#2 who is 4 months and while we aren't actively trying for number three, we aren't using any form of birth control other than I'm breast feeding DS#2 still! Of we get pregnant again then it was just meant to be! Am I insane or what? Ha ha ha
I am pregnant with #4 (and our final)! We had 2u2 with DD#1 and DS. DD#2 and this baby will be 16 months apart.
Most people think we are crazy, but we are very happy. It is tough at first, but so worth it. DH is a SAHD and we homeschool our oldest two, so it will be challenging, but we are ready for it.
Good luck in your TTC journey!
DD#1 11/7/04
DS#1 6/24/06
Chemical Pregnancy 6/08
DD#2 1/28/10 after secondary infertility, Clomid, & acupuncture
missed m/c 6/2010 at 8 weeks (baby stopped growing @ 5.5)
DS born sleeping 1/13/2011 due to cord accident at 22 weeks.
DD#3 3/10/2012
Re: trying for number 3
I did it, but NOT planned at all. I get PG while BFing.
I had 3 kids in 3 years and it was HARD. MUCH harder than going from 1-2 and I had a VERY VERY easy baby #3 (except not so great a sleeper). BUT, it is getting a bit easier now.
It all depends on a lot of factors - whether or not it will be doable or hard for you.
I am pregnant with #4 (and our final)! We had 2u2 with DD#1 and DS. DD#2 and this baby will be 16 months apart.
Most people think we are crazy, but we are very happy. It is tough at first, but so worth it. DH is a SAHD and we homeschool our oldest two, so it will be challenging, but we are ready for it.
Good luck in your TTC journey!