
How do you store/organize large toys?

What do you do with the large toys like little people sets?  I have bookcases in the playroom that hold toys, but the Little people sets are too tall to fit.  I am sick of having them all over the floor.  I would love to pack them away but my kids still play with them sometimes.

What do you with toys like this?

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Re: How do you store/organize large toys?

  • I have a sterlite storage system with drawers and all of the little people go in there.  I have a couple big boxes that hold big toys.  And, we have a window seat that opens up.  I have two pop up laundry baskets full of toys and then the bigger stuff goes in there too. 
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
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