Two Under 2

Need bed time help

My dd is a year old and ds is 3 weeks old. Ds was born at 33 weeks and last night was his first night at home from the nicu. My daughter who is normally sleeps all night woke up every hour last night. Not only did I have to keep her calm and help her go back to bed I had to nurse my son also. I got no sleep at all last night. My husband works the night shift so I am on my own. Any suggestions? Please tell me it gets better.


Re: Need bed time help

  • Im in almost the exact same boat. We started having to rock big DD to sleep every night. It took up until a few days ago to work. We also had to do a form of CIO, but not all out CIO. My DH work 24hr shifts so I feel you frustration, BIG time.

    I was told to take care of big DD first, as to help with jealousy and such..thus far thats worked wonders I think.

    Even though our kids are about the same age, its getting SLOWLY better for me. We have good days and bad, same with nights..which I dread. I can deal with days easy, Id rather gouge my eyes out then deal with bedtime.

    But really, rocking her to sleep helps a lot for us, whether its recommended or not. We gave up on following the "rules" . (by "we", I mean me...) Ive been trying to pay as much attention to big DD as possible.

    gl, it does get better..its just these first few weeks that are torture. 

  • As we close in on the first month, I can tell you the first few weeks are horrible... I am not going to lie.

    However, we are slowly settling into our new routine, and its getting better with each night.

    I know saying "hang in there" means little - but I promise it will eventually get easier.

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