I don't know anyone other than Halle Berry with the name, so it would be my only association. I think a lot of people would assume that she was named after the celebrity, so if that doesn't bother you then use it.
I love Halle. I know a couple little girls with it so I think soon it won't be so associated with the celebrity. I don't think it's becoming too trendy or anything, though. I do think of someone with the grace and beauty of the celebrity, so that's a plus.
Re: opinion please
I used to work with a Haley (pronounced like Halle), so I don't know if that's why I don't make the connection.
I love the name! Lillian would be pretty with it as a middle name as well!
Some people might think about the actress, but I don't think anyone will assume you are naming your kid after her. Halle Lynn is pretty.