As you can see in my siggy, I am on my 4th round of clomid+IUI. I see a lot of talk about injectables but I know nothing about them and am wondering what they do that is different than clomid??
Also, I always hear about people doing back to back IUI's. My RE has never even mentioned this to me. Is it something I should bring up?
Re: 2 questions: injectables and B2B IUI
Clomid tricks your brain into making more FSH than it normally would, by suppressing your estrogen output. No (or significantly reduced) estrogen means there is no signal to stop making FSH. It also is why dry CM is a possible side effect.
Injects are basically FSH, or FSH+LH combo drugs. So you're pumping in all the extra hormones externally even though you're body is making estrogen and saying "hello, enough!" and thus sometimes an abundance of CM.
Some REs don't believe that B2B IUIs improve your chances significantly, others do.
I've also done 3 IUIs with clomid. This cycle, I am doing an IUI with injectables to help produce more follicles. There is a risk of a multiple pregnancy though. With the IVF, they control how many fertilized eggs go back. With the IUI, they have no control. That scares me, so my RE agreed to start my meds slow and closely monitor me. I would definitely bring it up though.
We have a lot in common, down to the m/c a few days apart. I hope you are keeping your head up.
We do have a lot in common. It is comforting to know that someone is in the same also makes me sad for both of us.
Honestly, I am having trouble keeping my head up lately. I find myself tearing up at the slightest thing. This process is starting to wear me down.
I've asked my RE about b2b IUIs and he said they used to do this back in the day, especially couples with low sperm counts. My clinic stopped because they didn't see increased success rates even though I'd totally be willing to try it!
I don't know about injectables but since we are on a month break before we do IUI #4, we're going to have a WTF appt and are going to ask about trying injectables for IUI4.
I'd ask your RE since every clinic has different opinions on these things. Good luck!
I am actually doing acupuncture and it does help... I think clomid is making me emotional x10000. I guess I am just feeling so helpless. I am doing all these things that are supposed to lead us to having our forever baby so I don't know why I have this helpless feeling. The only thing I can think of is the clomid. It will be worth it if we get a BFP but today, right now I am having trouble staying positive.
Hi! For one egg quality seems to improve with injectables versus Clomid so even if you are ovulating on the Clomid but not getting pregnant or having chemical pregnancies or m/c's injectables may be a good step. For people who don't respond well to Clomid (or maybe because their lining is poor or their cervical mucus is poor as a result) injectables is usually the next step.
It's a big step to take because injectables are far more expensive than oral medication. They are also way more potent. You need to be monitored a lot more on injectables to watch your response.
As far as B2B IUI's are concerned it seems the jury is out. Some RE's think its a great idea and some thing it's useless. I guess its all about timing. I hope these answers help you. Good luck!