Sorry this is a lot of detail; I C&P an email I sent to our parents.
Andrew was happy and did well. He was his normal self so I think they got an accurate picture. Here are his scores.
are scored by standard deviation. So, for example, if he scores a -2,
that is -2 standard deviation when judged against peers of his adjusted
age (18 months). So, that would mean he's in the bottom 5%. So
scoring can be -2, -1.5, -1, 0, 1, 1.5, 2, etc. Anything at -1.5 or
below qualifies for services, but a judgment call is also put into
effect. In bold are the areas they recommend services.
Gross Motor, -2
-because he is a new walker, has a wide stance, falls, still crawls a lot
sits in a "w" shape, they say this is bad for hips, but Andrew doesn't
do it a lot - but kids who are cautious tend to do this. They said to
try to nudge him if he sits that way very long so he doesn't damage his
-do not recommend therapy b/c they feel he is progressing normally,
just a little cautious/slow, but that they think he's fine in time and
he just needs more walking experience and that he was doing well for
just having started walking
Speech (Social Communication), -1.5-The reason this is
higher than I would expect is because it is comprised of both receptive
language (he is better there) and expression language (lacking)
his overall score isn't as bad.
-They recommended therapy for his expressive language (speech therapy)
Cognitive, -1
said he wasn't always responding to the cognitive portions, but she
felt it was lack of interest and attention - no concerns
Fine Motor, -1
-Improves typically after Gross Motor improves (Gross Motor comes first) - no concerns
Adaptive, -2-Adaptive
means essentially "life skills" - can he feed himself, drink himself,
help dress, can he ask you for what he needs, initiate/ tell you that
he is hungry or wants/needs something, etc...(whatever is age
-This often goes hand in hand with speech therapy, so it is not
surprising that he qualifies and this is recommended definitely (will
be the speech therapist who has feeding experience too)
Social, -1.5
-Score can be tied down by speech delay
Re: EI eval today
Thanks for sharing. My LO goes in for an evaluation at the beginning of November, so we will see how he does. My LO is not sitting up or rolling over yet. But daycare did tell me that he was holding hands with the new 3 month old baby girl at daycare on Monday.
I think your LO would get a lot of points for cuteness if they had that category : )
lmao thanks!!!! good luck on your eval!
All in all I think Andrew is doing very well, we are very blessed, but think he'll benefit from a boost in his communication skills!!
Just FYI, sitting is really a 6-7 month skill and rolling a 3-6 month skills and your son is only 2 months adjusted. It's never a bad idea to check and get a professional opinion, but I wouldn't be worried if those are the skills you are worrying about. Also an FYI on the evaluation, WA does the evaluations on chronological age, not adjusted so it will seem like he's further behind than he really is since you should only really compare him to children his adjusted age.
ditto - Andrew probably sat at 7 months adjusted, 10+ months actual!