Health & Exercise

Head Lice (pediculosis)

Most moms feel like the worst moms after they receive the news their children have lice. Having head lice doesn?t have anything to do with your hygiene since lice it?s very resistant to water and soap. It affects anyone from any background. Head lice or pediculosis it?s quite difficult to treat. It affects millions of kids each year. There is some pretty good anti-lice shampoo out there to treat head lice. However, you must wash your child?s clothes and bedding with hot water as well. Besides, you must teach your kids not to share hats, brushes or get too close to someone with head lice. Vacuuming your furniture, and carpet is recommended. Clean only the items that have been in contact with the head of the person. The most common symptom of head lice is itching. The itching usually stars 1 month after the head has been infected. If head lice are not treated properly you might get an infection in the skin called impetigo and therefore fever is inevitable. Head lice lives up to 30 days in the human head and away from the head it lives about 48 hours.  Head lice have no wings and therefore they can?t fly. They can?t jump either. They are just carried by the wind.

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