April 2011 Moms

Does anyone...

Does anyone else get super stiff during the day?

I'm an executive assistant and a college student, so I spend almost all day sitting at my desk and most of the evening in those crappy desks at school.. I can barely walk when I stand up.. This sucks..

Re: Does anyone...

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    I do, especially my lower back I too sit at a desk all day, it gets worse too unfortunately.
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    At the end of the day, when I stand up and walk to my car, I can feel every sore muscle on my back and legs from sitting all day. It feels almost as bad as it does after a run.

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    I've picked up yoga.. Well kinda - it's a class I'm taking for school, but we're learning yoga positions and breathing techniques and all that. But none of it seems to help.. My Fiance works hours opposite from mine so I hardly see him during the week:( A massage would be so nice right now!!
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    ::raises hand::

    I just signed up for a pregnancy fitness class that incorporates yoga, pilates and aerobics. Hopefully that will help! 

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