My doctor had a hard time getting the catheter in (he said my uterus had an attitude!) so that hurt a bit. While he was pushing around, I thought he was still working on the catheter and all of a sudden I had so much pain and was yelling and almost flew off the table...then he said he was done. He had to keep telling me to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth after cause I was freaking. Once I did that I was fine, just a little crampy. It hurt pretty bad, but looking back it was super quick.
I'm glad my husband was there to hold my hand, but when the worst of it was happening he started laughing and when we talked about it later he said he was nervous for me when I was yelling and that it was a nervous laughter. I told my mom that if he starts "nervous laughing" when I'm in pain during childbirth, she has my permission to slap him and tell him to pull it together!
Re: Endo biopsy was painful but quick
I'm sorry that you were in pain but really happy that it was quick and now it's over. :-)
7lbs 13oz 20 inches long
Currently pg with our 1st after 6.5 yrs of IF (thank you IVF)
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There's No Crying in Baseball
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