Baby Names

Name Help

My husband and I can not agree on names.

Some I like are





Some he likes are






We have no middle names at all. Can you guys offer suggustions that we might be able to compromise on given the styles of names above?  I am at a loss and e don't have much time left. We do not have family names that we want to honor or use at this point in time.


Thanks for any and all suggestions.


Re: Name Help

  • Clara- cute but I prefer Claire

    Ella - cute

    Amelia - cute

    Caroline - dislike

    Gabrielle - very pretty

    Marielle - dislike

    Astor - would prefer Aster (like the flower), but still worry ppl might call her A$$ for short.

    Maeby - dislike, sounds like maybe

    Carolyn - dislike

    I like these FN/MN:  Ella Claire, Amelia Claire, Gabriella Claire or for Claire as a first name - I really like Claire Catherine.

  • imagefeffy11:


    Here are some suggestions for you (and let me tell you, when I read your username, I thought the list was going to look VERY different).



    Yeah when I created the screen name I wasnt thinking of the aiden trend.. My first name is Cailyn and My husband is Dan - SO i was not creative and just combined them.

    Thanks for the suggustions. Carolyn and Caroline are similiar but his choice is an ex girlfriend - Caroline was a compromise on my part - that he apparently hated. So I have no idea and its only about 4 weeks left.

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  • imagemj.reilly:

    Maeby??! Like ... maybe? Why not absolutely or definitely? Why is everyone trying to use names from Arrested Development these past two weeks? Just because it is on a show doesn't make it a real name.


    I said the same thing we he suggested it. I didnt watch the show so I thought maybe I was missing something or he was saying it wrong or something. I do not like it at all, but all his friends tell him it would be a good name and for some reason he is fixed on it. I thought I would throw it out there in case someone could make a could case for Maeby even being a name.

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