Two Under 2

TTC and BF...No AF, Need to Wean?

Hey Ladies,

Hubby and I would like to begin trying for a sibling for LO. I've been ready for a few months now, but I still haven't had my PP AF. LO's been on solids since 6 months and I've been trying to up the amount he eats. He's nursing about 5x during the day.......but he nurses 2-6x a night. He's never STTN...he's been a bad sleeper/napper since birth. But I'm kind of used to it now.

I thought that my cycle wouldv'e returned by now. I'd like to jumpstart my fertility and am thinking about night weaning. But part of me feels some guilt...I'm looking for any advice, encouragement or experience with TTC #2.

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Re: TTC and BF...No AF, Need to Wean?

  • personally I wouldnt wean. Weaning should be done when you are ready, and if you aren't you may regret it.

    I would maybe cut back a nursing at night if possible, or even during the day. I got my BFP when DS was 10 months and he was only nursing for 2 naps and morning and night at that point...sometimes at night if he woke up. 

    I would work on cutting out one feeding for a month and see if it helps.


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  • I wouldn't wean unless you want to.

    I EBF and got my PP AF with DD#1 and DD#2 at 6.5 months PP both times. They were both nursing EVERY 3 hours round the clock.

    With DS, I got my PP AF at 4.5 months PP and he was even worse than the girls with nursing.

    Some women get their AF sooner than others........


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  • Thanks for your thoughts. I've had a few months where I've had cramping and thought "ooh this could be it". I think cutting back a nursing session is what I'm going to do.

    I've read that sometimes a 6 hr period without nursing can be enough to bring it back. Maybe I'll reconsider night weaning if AF isn't back when LO turns 1.

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  • I ovulated once I cut down to nursing 2x a day.  DS1 was nursing 4x a day,
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  • Sounds just like me a few months ago!  AF finally returned on DS's 1st birthday.  No weaning required.  He only started STTN about 2 months ago.  He's gradually reduced his nursing sessions on his own over the last few months.  We're down to 1 or 2 a day now.

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