Does it get any easier. I am dying here. Every single minute of every day and night I am thinking of my girls. I visit them twice a day and get upset every time I leave. I can't stop crying all day. I just want them home. Everyone says oh they will be home soon, but if feels like a lifetime and its hurt like crazy...
My truth is that it didn't. It got harder and harder for me. Since he was getting stronger every day and seemed like a "normal" baby more and more it was harder and harder to not have him home.
Sorry, I know that's not what you wanted to hear. BUT, once they are home, you won't take the little things for granted. That is the best part of the whole nicu experience in my opinion.
Good luck, I hope they are able to come home soon!
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10
I delivered twin boys at 29 weeks that are currently in the nicu. It is hard but it does get better once you get used to all the bells and alarms. And the staff is so kind and reassuring. It looks like your babies are only 6 days old so you're still running high on emotions. I've gone from crying 10 times a day down to once a day
We were going to the nicu twice a day but it got to be too much, now we go once a day and spend a good 3 hours there. It helps mentally to give yourself a break and know that they are in good hands. Plus you need to rest up so that you are ready to take excellent care of them when they come home!!
It got easier for me after a month, and then harder again. Hugs!
This, especially during the last week or so.
And then it all seems like a bad nightmare.
It doesn't necessarily get easier but after some of the emotions settle, you begin to understand that for the moment, they are where they need to be. I have watched my nephew go in and out of the hospital and it is much easier to see them stay in a little longer than to go back in because they came home too early.
The thing that got us through was setting small goals to achieve while they were in NICU. Celebrate each weight gain, each feeding increase, etc. These small victories will lead you home with your daughters. Also, if the nurses allow, try to help out whenever you can. We changed DD's diaper many times in her "condo" and took her temp. Being able to help take care of her was huge because we were taking care of her.
My DD was born at 34 weeks and was home in only 20 days so hopefully your twins will have a short stay too... It really didn't get any easier for me either unfortunately. I basically made the NICU my new job and every morning would drop my DH off at work at 7am and then spend the entire day at the NICU with her. I would pick him up at 5 and then we'd go back and every time I left her, I cried. Every night I went to sleep, I cried. All the ups and downs and seeing other babies "graduating" and the pure exhaustion and the fighting to get her to take even 5mls by mouth... We were due to go home at the 2 week mark and she was doing her car seat challenge and had a bad apnea spell that required stim (not bagging thouggh) and they decided to keep her. That devastated me.
Everyone says you can use this time to rest up before baby comes home but I didn't get any rest. I actually made myself sick... I was back down to my pre-pregnancy weight before she came home, wasn't eating, forgot my iron pills and became anemic, and all the stress and walking caused super heavy bleeding. My advice, give those little babies all the love you can, hold them as much as you can, try every day to get them to nipple or nurse and try try try to take care of yourself in the process. They are in good hands (not yours, but good) and will be home with you in no time. Hugs!
It didn't get easier for me...but now that he is almost 2 it's just part of his birth story and something we will always remember going thru as a family...and it makes everyday that I am with him at home that much better because I remember leaving him in the NICU....