
Ladies with high FSH (warning child pic)

The ladies on SAIF thought that maybe there were some ladies over here with high FSH that I could connect with. I had my first RE appointment today and my FSH is 14.9. Just wanted to see if there was anyone going through the same thing. Thanks!
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Re: Ladies with high FSH (warning child pic)

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    My FSH has been between 13-15.  I don't get very many eggs when I do IVF - 4 to 5 at retrieval.  I am also 38 years old and I seem to have some egg quality issues, so we are trying one last time with my own eggs doing Estrogen Priming Protocol (to help improve quality) before moving on to donor eggs.

    Did you have your AMH tested?  What did you RE recommend?

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    I'm sorry for your diagnosis. I have high FSH too and am on my last cycle before moving to DE. I would say to make sure your dr is 'high FSH friendly' - ie, willing to think outside the box and try different protocols. I see you're outside Philly - Dr. Check at Cooper in Marlton, NJ (not sure where that is in relation to you, but it's close to Philly) specializes in high FSH patients. I went there for about a year and did get pg, but sadly m/c. I'm currently with Dr Davis at Cornell.

    Let me know if you have any specific questions - high FSH is tricky but you can still have success. GL!

    Dx: High FSH, stage IV endo, homozygous C677T MTHFR and PAI-1
    Early loss 10/08
    Lap 1/09
    IVF #1 "natural IVF" - 1 egg retrieved, missed m/c
    Tried several mini-stim cycles with no response
    Switched clinics - dx'd as carrier for Fragile X
    IVF #2 MDL protocol Jan/Feb converted to IUI, BFN
    IVF #2 take 2: Antagonist, one embie, BFN
    IVF #3: Antagonist, no fertilization
    One last ditch effort at OE IVF (antagonist with Clomid) cancelled
    DE cycle #1 Jan/Feb 2011, BFP, ectopic
    DE cycle #2 June/July 2011 - BFP
    10/28/11 Baby girl lost at 17 weeks due to pre-term labor. We love and miss you.
    DE cycle #3 June/July 2012 - BFP, twins, both heartbeats stopped, D&C
    2 frosties but don't know what's next
    FET Dec 2012: BFP! Praying this one sticks for the long haul!
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    Ladies. Thanks so much for your input and help!

    I've just started in all of this so its all still very new to me. I am still getting worked up and had my first RE appontment today. I heard my FSH level for the first time. It is 14.9. since it was on CD 4, he'll want to retest on CD 2 or 3 since its a bit more accurate. I had BW and an US today. I go back on Friday for another US and a postcoital test since based on the size of my follicle today, I should ovulate Saturday.

    Once I for sure ovulate, they'll check my progesterone. Next month I'll get a whole slew of more BW and do a clomid challenge and possibly an HSG. At the end of the next cycle, he thinks he should understand my cycle pretty well to come up with a plan.

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    I was diagnosed with high FSH and I agree with everything the pp's said.  I'm 35 and my FSH was usually between 14-16.  I found an FSH-friendly RE that was as aggressive as I wanted to be.  I had success with gonal-f + ovidrel + back-2-back IUI's.  If you haven't done so already, you should check out this message board:

    I would just add, not to get too obsessed with Dr. Google, b/c a lot of what's out there paints a pretty dismal picture, but everyone is different.

    Good luck! 

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    hi!  i have high fsh as well (14).  i also have an antral follicle count of 5:(  we'll be doing our first round of ivf in november. 

    feel free to pm me if you want to talk.


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