Last year I did a Halloween Eve dinner for my family. Its not a huge thing but I do decorate the LR and make themed food for the entire dinner.
Anyways. This year Halloween is on a Sunday. Our town does not trick or treat on a Sunday and instead will do it on Sat. 30th. I was first going to have it on Friday the 29th but L has to go to the high school football game for his flag football team. They announce all the little kids teams etc at half time. The game is at 7:30 so I was thinking to do it on Saturday instead. I also have to work on Friday so it would not leave me enough time to cook everthing, eat and then get to the game.
The little kids usually trick or treat around 5:30-6pm in our neighborhood.
Would having it at 3pm be weird? Im going to have a craft for the kids to do and then they can play a game with my sister and color some halloween coloring sheets while I get dinner on the table and everything ready to eat around 4-4:30. Do you feel this is too early to eat? We would finish dinner and get dressed to go ToTing at 5:30-5:45. It wouldnt be a heavy meal. (havent planned the menu yet, wanted to set a date/time first) I was thinking that for back up we could have a few filling snacks to eat for when we get back from ToTing in case anyone is hungry.
Do you think that would work? Any other ideas? I would just say screw it and do it on Sunday but my sister is going home Sunday morning. She really wants to be here for it as we are trying to make this a yearly tradtion for the kids. Eventually I will allow them to each invite a friend.
Re: Hallween Dinner...time question.
I don't think eating at 4:30 would be too early.
My mom used to make a huge crockpot full of chili and them have cheese/onions/sourcream, etc. She would serve it either in bread bowls or with corn bread. By having it in the crockpot, we could all just eat whenever we wanted. So if we hungry early, we could eat. If we weren't, we could eat after trick-or-treating. Maybe you could do something like that?
I also remember your Halloween last year, lol.
Maybe make it a lunch instead? This way you are not so pressed for time and have more time to relax and enjoy things?
Ditto PP about your halloween and every other holiday is such a mess for you. If I remember correctly you tend to waaaaaay over think things. Oh and were you the one that got mad at her kids about opening xmas presents??? And how it was ruined and what not.
This is exactly what we do. The kids are usually too excited to eat much before t-o-ting so this works out well.