Hey ladies...
One of the names we're considering (our list is still outrageously long) is Adeline but I really like the pronunciation of Adda-Lynn instead of Adda-line. Any suggestions on spelling or should I just stick with the original pronunciation? TIA!
Re: Pronunciation?
I would definitely pronounce Adeline Ad-uh-line. If it were me, I'd use the correct spelling and just correct people until it sticks.
11.10.10 from my belly to my heart at 11wks 5days
If you like the pronouncation "Ada-Lynn" then why not just spell it that way!? I don't get it?
I've seen Adalynn or Adelynn, Adalin, Adelyn.....
I have to disagree with the PPs--while I generally abhor modern spelling variations Madelyn and Adelyn are both instances where I feel altering the spelling for the pronunciation you want is a very good idea. Pronunciation should be intuitive.
In that vein, spell it Adelyn or Adelin for the pronunciation you want. Save your daughter the grief of having to correct everyone who reads her name 'incorrectly' her whole life long--I know first hand how irritating mispronunciations can get; the mispronunciation of my first name drove me to go by my middle name almost exclusively.
I agree, this isn't an outrageous spelling change, or something I would look at and think "what they hell were they thinking?"
Also, not to thread jack, but kle+spd, your sig pic is so adorable!
heehee! thank you!
I like Addalyn way better! Plus you can call her Lynn for short! This is a very pretty and origianal name!
I know it's not a crazy spelling change...I just wanted your opinions on what the best spelling would be. Thanks for your input...I think we're going to go with the Adelyn spelling!
Sometimes pronunciation just isn't intuitive. I have an ethnic name. My parents could've decided to change the spelling, but, in their minds, the name would've lost something if they'd done so. I, too, dealt with the mispronunciation of my name as a child, and still do, but as an adult I appreciate the uniqueness of my name and just go on correcting people.