Health & Exercise

my butt is in a state of emergency!

hi ladies! i'm new to this board.  i'll be 17 weeks on friday and am working hard on getting back into a gym routine to stay in shape for hte remainder of my pregnancy.  i was in teh best shape of my life before morning sickness hit :)  now i feel kind of weak and tired all the time which isn't great.  anyone have suggestions for really good and appropriately tough butt/leg workouts?  i worked really hard getting my butt into shape for my wedding in june and itw as the first thing to go when i got pregnant!  i can't do my old workouts because they involved a lot of heavy lifting and movements i can't do pregnant (tire flips, medicine ball throws, sledge hammer stuff, etc.).  help me!

Re: my butt is in a state of emergency!

  • I did a crapload of lunges and squats during my last pregnancy. They seemed to keep me in good shape.
  • imagenerdsbride:
    I did a crapload of lunges and squats during my last pregnancy. They seemed to keep me in good shape.

    Definitely agree! Also, you might think about getting a good prenatal pilates dvd... you get a lot of the same benefits but the routine is geared so that you don't spend time on your back later in pregnancy, etc.  

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  • The really lame 80's aerobics where you're on your knees and lifting you legs really tone your butt. I haven't done them in 4 years (did them for a nice cheer skirt butt) and I still have a nice shaped booty. Lunges are great too, and most ellypticals have an incline control and high inclines work your butt and give you cardio. (Was doing ellyptical for cardio and my BF gave me a butt compliment yesterday!)
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