
Anyone dressing up for Halloween?

I never do, but our neighbors that we are going TOTing with mentioned doing it. I have no idea what I would even dress up as. Any ideas that would be easy & fairly creative?

Re: Anyone dressing up for Halloween?

  • #6#6 member

    My sister and I dressed up last year together.  She was green with envy (wore all green) and I was Tickled Pink (wore all pink)  We were going to make signs but didnt have time since it was a last minute plan.  The year before I dressed up with the kids.  (Bo Peep and 3 sheep) 

    This year we are going as a group and doing classic/traditional costume. 

    L-skeleton, Kay- Black Cat, Ken- Witch, Me- Pumpkin or Vampire, Sister- Ghost,   We are trying to talk my mom into dressing up too.  Dh said he would be something so Im thinking Frankenstein or a clown.  :)  Dh would hate me though if I made him a clown so maybe he can be the vampire and I'll be a pumpkin. 

    HA!  I have seen people dress as orange cones.  The adults could dress as orange traffic cones and walk on the outsides around the kids.  :) 


  • I never have as an adult before, but this year I bought a Snow White costume at costco to go w/ DD's Cinderella costume. I figure I'll have fun with them while they're not embarrassed by it yet.
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