Now that we have officially decided on an agency, we have to decide how to pay the fees. We have looked into a home equity loan, but we don't have enough equity in our house since we just bought it recently. An unsecured personal loan is an option, but the interest rates are pretty high. If you don't mind sharing, how have you paid for your adoption or what do you suggest looking in to? Thanks!!
Re: Funding our adoption
We sold a rental property to pay the match fee. We paid all the other fees as we went along.
I have heard of fundraisers (selling items ranging from calendars to candles), asking for contributions from family, taking out loans, taking second jobs, etc.
We saved all unexpected money, tax refunds and all travel money for 2 years. Not going on any trips for two years was the worst since before DD we were travling every couple of months for long weekends. We still have not pick-up with traveling again a lot since DD has been home since we now have daycare expenses.
We are taking our next big trip over the Thanksgiving weekend to CA for DD's birth aunts wedding. This trip is only the 5th one since DD has been with us.
You can't imagine how relieved I am to hear that everyone else is also in the same boat as us financially. I was worried that we were jumping the gun by going through the adoption process with very little $$ to pay it off. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one!
We are cutting back to save some money (going out, eating out, vacations, etc.). The hubbers and I also have part-time side businesses (I'm a photographer and plan on doing some photography fundraisers. Hubbers sells beats/music). We also have a few fundraisers in the works. I'm hoping that between all that we will be able to pay it off. I also hope that the adoption tax credit is still in effect by the time we are able to use it, to pay back some of our savings. Not banking on it, just hopeful. )