Nevada Babies

Living and loving life... I just found out i am pregnant! (5 weeks and 4 days)

So i have lived out in Vegas for about 5 years and havent made too many friends, for a good reason..... Its hard to find good friends out here. Well i just found this website and thought it would be nice to make some new friends who are going though/have been through what i am. Hope to talk with some of you soon, and Congrats to all you mommies/mommies to be :)

Re: Living and loving life... I just found out i am pregnant! (5 weeks and 4 days)

  • Congrats on the pregnancy! I have also lived here a long time and Vegas is a hard place to meet other female friends in this town. Is this your first child? I just had my first child, a boy, in August and not only is it hard to make friends but even more so being a new mom and finding other mommies who "understand" what life is like .lol. If you ever have any questions you wanna ask , or just free to ask me.. Smile
  • Hey there!  I see in your bio that you are a cocktail waitress at Caesars?  Do you know Danielle P.?
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  • Congrats new Mommy! I'm six weeks and I'll be moving to Vegas soon! I'm kinda nervous because not only will I be a new Mom but I won;t know ANYONE! 
  • Thanks, It is my first and Congrats to you and your first :) Thats what i hear from friends who have had kids back in my home town. Women who have kids pretty much only hang out with others who have kids... (makes sense, lol...) It still seems like sooo far away, but im sure it will get here sooner than i expect. So did you grow up in Vegas? Im sure i will have alot of questions so thank you, and im sure i will have some for you coming up, lol...
  • Well im the newbie there, Ive only been there a little over a month. I worked at the Wynn before here. Her name sounds familiar, but im not sure. Where in Caesars does she work?
  • So i see were both just about 6 weeks! It must be exciting moving from Spain to Vegas. When is the big move? Where at in Vegas will you be moving to? Sorry for all the questions, lol... Well if you ever need or want someone to talk to feel free :) and congrats as well!!!! Soooo exciting.......
  • I am 5-6 weeks along.  First time mom too.  I have lived here in Vegas for 10yrs so we finally have a small group of good friends but having a kid is going to defiantly change things.  I can't wait to see my first ultrasound next week.  Fingers crossed we can see and maybe her a heartbeat.  Next big step.
  • imagejaniellet:
    So i have lived out in Vegas for about 5 years and havent made too many friends, for a good reason..... Its hard to find good friends out here. Well i just found this website and thought it would be nice to make some new friends who are going though/have been through what i am. Hope to talk with some of you soon, and Congrats to all you mommies/mommies to be :)


    I totally understand where your coming from. I have lived here for about 14 years and I dont want to raise my kids here, but right now I dont have a choice. Im due December 14th and am looking for some "mommy" friends also. What part of town do you stay in?

    *Congrats on the baby!*

  • Sara:

    Aww.. You are due 3 days before my birthday :p Congrats!!! I live in the Northwest (95 & Durango) What part of town do you live in? I go in tomorrow for my first ultrasound and i am sooo excited! Not sure what to expect, but im sure it will go fine! I found a great Dr. that some friends have also used and loved her!

  • imageKrazsWifey:
    I am 5-6 weeks along.  First time mom too.  I have lived here in Vegas for 10yrs so we finally have a small group of good friends but having a kid is going to defiantly change things.  I can't wait to see my first ultrasound next week.  Fingers crossed we can see and maybe her a heartbeat.  Next big step.


    Yes, i can see things already changing quit a bit! Its a good change though... I have my first ultrasound tomorrow and cant wait to see my baby! Congrats on the pregnancy and the i hope the ultrasound went well :)

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