So i have lived out in Vegas for about 5 years and havent made too many friends, for a good reason..... Its hard to find good friends out here. Well i just found this website and thought it would be nice to make some new friends who are going though/have been through what i am. Hope to talk with some of you soon, and Congrats to all you mommies/mommies to be
Re: Living and loving life... I just found out i am pregnant! (5 weeks and 4 days)
I totally understand where your coming from. I have lived here for about 14 years and I dont want to raise my kids here, but right now I dont have a choice. Im due December 14th and am looking for some "mommy" friends also. What part of town do you stay in?
*Congrats on the baby!*
Aww.. You are due 3 days before my birthday
Congrats!!! I live in the Northwest (95 & Durango) What part of town do you live in? I go in tomorrow for my first ultrasound and i am sooo excited! Not sure what to expect, but im sure it will go fine! I found a great Dr. that some friends have also used and loved her!
Yes, i can see things already changing quit a bit! Its a good change though... I have my first ultrasound tomorrow and cant wait to see my baby! Congrats on the pregnancy and the i hope the ultrasound went well