For X-Mas this year, I am doing a video CD for both sets of grandparents.I am basically having pics of the girls from newborns to their 1st year. They live so far away so I thought this would be a good gift for them .
My sister gave me the idea since she had a CD made of pics of both me and DH as babies that she played at my baby shower. It was so sentimental! She had David (American Idol winner a few years back) song version of "You'll Always Be My Baby" play as the pics screened. My theme was cupcakes so she ended with "Life is about to get a little sweeter..." w/ a pic of my twin bump.
Anyway, can you please help me think of songs that would fit for showing my babies' 1st year??
Thanks so much!!
Re: Rec. a Song, pls!
I had never heard this song before I checked out my photographer's website and it's SUCH a GREAT song! I copied the link below, it's called 16 you & me by Frances England. It still makes me tear up every time I hear it. She has a bunch of good songs on her website.