Cloth Diapering

Bleach with FB/Rumparooz/Softbums?

We're having issues with yeast and I've been using GSE in every wash, with some vinegar, and it's done no good.  I don't want to stop using cloth, but it's frustrating to finally clear up a yeast infection on his little bum and then see it pop back up after cloth again.  Someone suggested using bleach and while that should work with our BG diapers, I'm not sure what to do with the others in our stash. We have mostly BGs, and then three Rumparooz, one Softbums, and one Fuzzibunz.  Any advice, please?
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Re: Bleach with FB/Rumparooz/Softbums?

  • I've bleached FBs without issue (I bought them used and I always bleach used diapers before putting them on DD). 
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  • How much bleach do you use?  I think an occasional bleach, especially in the case of a yeast infection, or used diapers, is fine.  If you do it too much it will of course deterioriate the PUL and elastic but once in a while as necessary should be fine.  Just not sure how MUCH to use?


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  • I usually follow the BG recommended amount (can't recall how much that is, have to google it) diluted in water, but my initial hesitation is because the BG diapers are supposed to be fine when bleached once in a while, but the rumparooz and others all say not to, under any circumstances.  One of our rumparooz delaminated when it made it into a diluted bleached load, and it wasn't a lot of bleach.  I think I'll take my chances with the FB thanks to PP saying hers did okay with them, and mayyybe try hand-scrubbing with a little bit on just the fleece part of the Rumparooz.  I would be so sad if the firetruck diaper was ruined.
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  • THanks for the responses, btw!
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