
Halloween treats?

What do you give out for Halloween treats? Candy? Toys? Leave the lights off at your house so no one comes by?

DH is always so worried about what to buy. He's already stressing about it!

Re: Halloween treats?

  • I'm a nut,  for children 3 and under  I give little rubber ducks,  3 and up  some kind of candy treat.  I also ask if the child has any nut allerigies and if they do, goldfish crackers and a duck.
    Michelle Mommy to Kayleigh, Audrey and Faith. image
  • We only get a small of handful of kids each year but we typically buy Milky Way or Snickers and for school, I send the kids in with something similar to pass out to their class.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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  • I get mini containers of play-doh (costco has it 80 containers for $10). And then I get the giant candy bars. Kids of all ages go for the play-doh rather than the candy!

    People think we're nuts for doing the full size candy bars. It actually works out cheaper. Kids take 1 instead of a few small ones.

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