Health & Exercise

honest chiroprator/physical therapist opinion on how to stop neck pain

Hmmmm, this might be kinda long.  So I apologize in advance. 

Ok, so 10 years ago, I got into a pretty bad car accident where we were going about 45-55 mph and we got hit.  Since then about every 2-3 years I have to go to a physical therapist and a chiropractor for adjustments, I usually must go for about 3-6 months.  And I do the at home exercises for physical therapy. 

 Just 6 months ago I got into another car accident and now my neck hurts on the other side.  Not good.  So I have just in the past month or so started going to the chiropractor again.  They suggest I go to the physical therapy as well for at least a few wks and they see, but I can't because my insurance only covers 10 times at the PT place and the chiropractor combined. 

I have a bulge in one of my discs so it tends to make that spot in my spine more weak and susceptible to the vertebra going out of alignment.  

Also our co-payment is 25 bucks everytime and it adds up, we need to be saving money now, because my husband is looking for a new job, he is being laid off in July.  So we are really stressed about that.

Do you know of a website where I can possibly ask a physical therapist or a chiroprator a question and get an objective answer. 

How can I stop my neck pain from recurring every few years?  

Can you recommend a good yoga DVD? 

Thank you.  





Re: honest chiroprator/physical therapist opinion on how to stop neck pain

  • I am not a PT or a DC but am a massage therapist. I was going to ask you about strengthening. Do you continue to do that after your pt is done? I think that is a great start. I see that you asked about a yoga dvd. I know you are trying to save money, but I would suggest going to do a couple of classes to make sure you are doing the poses right so you do not injure yourself more or in a different way. I am a pilates instructor and people are doing exercised wrong everyday that if I were to not correct would injure them over time. If you were in a car accident are you using the insurance from the car accident or regular health in insurance at this point.
  • I am a PT and suggest that you go to the McKenzie Institiute website and find a McKenize therapist.  The McKenzie system is a methd of treating back and neck pain which is well supported by research.  It has especially good results for treating discogenic problems.  A McKenzie practitioner would be a great choice for you because the treatment philosophy is to teach you how to treat and manage your own condition rather than to require maintainence or long term regular attendance.  If possible see at least a Part C therapist ( this  is a distinction which indicates they have had more than just introductory training in the method)
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  • Was the accident reported to your car insurance company?  It's been a while but you can always talk to the Dr about going the no fault route.  Not sure what state your in if that's even an option. 

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