Hmmmm, this might be kinda long. So I apologize in advance.
Ok, so 10 years ago, I got into a pretty bad car accident where we were going about 45-55 mph and we got hit. Since then about every 2-3 years I have to go to a physical therapist and a chiropractor for adjustments, I usually must go for about 3-6 months. And I do the at home exercises for physical therapy.
Just 6 months ago I got into another car accident and now my neck hurts on the other side. Not good. So I have just in the past month or so started going to the chiropractor again. They suggest I go to the physical therapy as well for at least a few wks and they see, but I can't because my insurance only covers 10 times at the PT place and the chiropractor combined.
I have a bulge in one of my discs so it tends to make that spot in my spine more weak and susceptible to the vertebra going out of alignment.
Also our co-payment is 25 bucks everytime and it adds up, we need to be saving money now, because my husband is looking for a new job, he is being laid off in July. So we are really stressed about that.
Do you know of a website where I can possibly ask a physical therapist or a chiroprator a question and get an objective answer.
How can I stop my neck pain from recurring every few years?
Can you recommend a good yoga DVD?Thank you.
Re: honest chiroprator/physical therapist opinion on how to stop neck pain
Was the accident reported to your car insurance company? It's been a while but you can always talk to the Dr about going the no fault route. Not sure what state your in if that's even an option.