Since you ladies love that trend so much, I thought I'd share...
The kids on TLC's "Quints by Surprise" are:
6 year old Eliot (girl) and the 18 month old quints are Jack (boy), and the 4 girls: Ryan, Britton, Brooklyn, and Lyla.
On House Hunters there was a family with two girls, 4 year old Cooper and 2 year old Charlotte (Charlie).
Re: Girls with boy names on TV tonight
I like boy names for girls - a friend of mine has the 2 cutest little girlie girls: Samantha (Sammie) and Charlotte (Charlie) - named purposely for the boy nicknames and it works so well for them and their family. She was such a tomboy and all-american athlete that it just suits them all....
I also prefer Ryan for a girl - the other girl names I think are pretty feminine too....
Hit me with some more - it's helping me brainstorm
Ryan on girls drives me crazy. There are SO SO SO many boys named Ryan, why would you do that to your GIRL????
On the other hand, spelled "girly" I could be ok with it. Ryann, Ryanne, Rhianne, Rhyan.... I could deal w that I suppose. It's even better though if it's pn ry-ANN instead of RY-an.
Why would you give your girls boys names when you have actual boys as well? Wouldn't that be a little confusing, especially since there are girls with actual girl names... people will just assume that the Ryan and Eliot and Britton are the brothers of Jack, Brooklyn, and Lyla.
Does that make any sense?
I hate this trend...
I'm not a fan of that trend at all, except my guilty pleasure girl name, Riley.
The one that bothered me the most was the little girl named Cooper. Eliot, Ryan, and Britton are almost tolerable, but Cooper just sounds horrible on a little girl, IMO.