DD#1 is getting an American Girl doll from Santa for Christmas this year. We got her the Target knock-off for her birthday and she loves it...except you can't bush her hair. The hair is driving me nuts (totally disgusting) and I've been waiting for DD#1 to be ready for an AG doll. This was kinda a trial run.
Anyway, DD#2 is now saying she wants one too. She turns three just over a month after Christmas. She has baby dolls that she plays with but nothing that she love love loves. I'm worried she's too young for it and wouldn't play with it and it'd be a waste. Or, worse, she'd ruin it by coloring on it or something like she did with one of her baby dolls when she was giving it hair (about 6 months ago). At the same time, she keeps insisting this is what she wants and she's jealous of DD#1 with her AG knock-off. WWYD?
(FWIW - All three kids are getting Pillow Pets this year from Santa too. I already ordered those.)
Re: Would you get an AG doll for a 3-year-old?
{Ava 5.16.06} {Ella 12.29.07} {Drew 2.9.10}
We have an AG doll store in Dallas. Maybe I'll take the girls over there and see if DD#2 goes nuts over them or just is ok with them.
FWIW - We have 5 (yes 5) baby dolls and then DD#1's AG knock-off. Long story on how we ended up with 5, but we definitely don't want/need more babies.
What about those mini-AG dolls? I was thinking those might be fun for their dollhouse so I could get one for each for their stocking separate from the big doll they eat get (if I get one for DD#2).
My DD was the same way. She was dying for an AG doll for Christmas at 3.5. I got her the target knock off. She was fine with it, never has noticed the difference. BUT if her older sister has a real AG and makes a deal about that, you could end up having to buy another one, if she realizes the difference.
I am currently having this problem with my neighbors ZuZu pets. I got a knockoff version, which both kids love, then my neighbor saw them and got a "real" one for her son, who is a year older than DD and I now have to listen to neighbor boy tell DD how his is better. Ugh..
She also got a bitty baby and could care less about it. I don't think she has played with it for 5 minutes in a year.
DD has been earning her pillow pet, which she is dying for. She had to have good behavior for 4 weeks. She gets it in 3 more days. It has been the best motivator ever. Amazing really. I just say "pillow pet" when she is talking back or not following directions or whatever, and she shapes right up. I love that thing!
dd got the small version one of Kit and loves it. perfect for her doll house. it's the daughter of one of her barbies. it's held up well, but there are little pieces if you think anyone would still eat a tiny shoe or anything.
Thanks for the warning! DS is the only one around here who eats anything and he eats everything. We have naptime toys that only come out during his naps or when he's downstairs with me and I still can't really leave him alone in the playroom. Not sure I want to add to that list, but it seems like all the girls' toys these days are choking hazards or crayons he can eat or blocks he can hit himself with or whatever. Poor kid!
Both DD and DS1 have one : ) DS is 3 years old. He doesn't really play with it though but he is a boy...grandma thought he had to have one. Nathan got the bitty baby boy. DD plays with hers but its not a favorite toy...
Oh, and we have the same issue with DS2 and him wanting to eat e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g!
I don't know if your 3 year old is into Disney Princesses at all but they came out with AG-esque dolls this year. They are $50, and that might be a better choice to start off with. My little girl will be 3.5 this Christmas and wants an AG doll, too, after seeing the catalog. She mainly is in love with the accessories(the glasses especially!). My brother wants to buy her one but I don't think I would, yet, if it were me. I would be too worried about how expensive it was to really let her enjoy it. Anyway, here's the link to the princess dolls: https://www.toysrus.com/search/index.jsp?kwCatId=&kw=disney%20princess%20me&origkw=Disney%20Princess%20&%20Me&f=Taxonomy/TRUS/2254197&sr=1
They are the same size as AG dolls and the same concept. I think I am going to urge my brother to get her one of these instead. That way she can really enjoy it and play with it how she wants and when she's older, she can get a real AG doll if she wants one.
ooooo... I bet my dd would actually like that one. she loves her princesses that are barbie size. she just doesn't care for baby dolls. she also wants one of those heads that you style the hair and do the make up on... some of them look quite creepy.