Hawaii Babies

Ryan isn't even 7 months old yet...

and he's pretty much been crawling for a month. Now he has started pulling himself up to standing and walking while holding on to the couch.

 Crying He's growing up so fast!   I thought we had at least a few more months before he even started crawling!

Re: Ryan isn't even 7 months old yet...

  • awww..they definitely grow up fast, esp after you get past the hazy first few months!! miss A was the same way, she was crawling around 6.5 months and all over the place! it is hard to chase her everywhere now but it is all worth it and sooo heart warming when i call her to come to me and she does :)
  • Ahhh, yeah, I want LO to stay a tiny little baby forever! But congrats on these big milestones =) It's also very exciting at the same time!
    Sept 2008 Wedding | May 2010 & Mar 2012 Babies
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  • Wow!  That's awesome...Libby started crawling about 10 days ago and is already pulling up and wanting to cruise too...but she's about 6 weeks older than Ryan...amazing how each kids is SO different!  Enjoy the babyproofing...we finally did it this past weekend...makes life a little easier for all of us!
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