Hawaii Babies

back to work today...:(

after almost 4 months of being home with my lil guy :( my mom is helping out by babysitting 3x week and tody was our trial run. although i'm still home today, i've mainly just tried to stay behind the scenes. it is really hard to not jump in everytime he cries though and even harder to resist not playing with him. i just wanna grab him and snuggle :) i'm lucky that my job has very flexible hours so i am able to come home from 12-2 on most days to hang out but it's going to be tough Crying

thanks for listening :)

Re: back to work today...:(

  • oh bummer!  but smart to have a trial run.  I was thinking about when I have to return to work today.  I am lucky like you and I get 4 months off, but I am dreading the day I have to drop my little girl off at daycare!  You are super lucky to have your mom to help out so you don't have to think about that.

    just focus on being able to snuggle & play with DS during that super nice long lunch!

    imageLilypie Second Birthday tickersDaisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I hear ya! It is tough =( But it's good that you get to come home mid-day. I see LO mid-day as well and I think it really helps a lot. It's great that your mom can help watch him too =) and smart to do the trial run! GL and hope the transition back to work goes smoothly!
    Sept 2008 Wedding | May 2010 & Mar 2012 Babies
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  • I am sorry, I have been there.  I also had some good flexibility, was home for 16 weeks and had a practice run of going back to the office.  It was awful.  She cried the entire time.  That's how I discovered that my milk has excess lipase.  We worked it all out and in time, it got easier.  My DH and mom are home with LO when I am at work and I come home during my lunch hour to nurse her.  About 4 weeks after being back to work things started to feel more "normal"...but in the beginning it was tough.  Hang in their mama...it'll get easier...promise!

  • awww it is SO hard to go back to work :( i remember i cried the first day and did not want to leave her, even though my first day back MH was watching her. i know everyone tells you it gets easier and you think it never will, but it really does get easier over time. hang in there
  • Hang in there, being a working mama is tough!
  • Thank you for all your encouragement!


    I am sorry, I have been there.  I also had some good flexibility, was home for 16 weeks and had a practice run of going back to the office.  It was awful.  She cried the entire time.  That's how I discovered that my milk has excess lipase.  We worked it all out and in time, it got easier.  My DH and mom are home with LO when I am at work and I come home during my lunch hour to nurse her.  About 4 weeks after being back to work things started to feel more "normal"...but in the beginning it was tough.  Hang in their mama...it'll get easier...promise!

    How did you discover that your milk has excess lipase? I think i do too... 

  • Aw I'm sorry hon. I hope it went OK! I go back the week after next and I'm REALLY not looking forward to it. Crying
  • it's hard, we all know it is!  vent away!  I'm sorry.  You will be able to get through it though - my job was flexible and I started back just 6 hours/day the first week.  partly b/c MH is the day care provider and wanted to give him time to get used to things as well.   hang in there... 
  • I feel your pain! I'm dreading going back to work & I haven't even left yet (haven't had LO yet). DH and I decided that I have to go back to work after 8 weeks because my maternity leave is unpaid. I'm really bummed about it, but I know tons of people have done it before me and tons will do it after me. :/ Luckily, one of my best friends offered to watch LO so I don't have to feel extra nervous about someone I don't know watching her.
    Anastasia & Corey | 12.22.06 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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