

I see we were the only ones with "snarky" responses to the post on the SAHM board. I am debating whether I want to reply again...
Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image

Re: Andrewsgal

  • Honestly that board always brings out the snark in me. I was smiling when I looked at your response, knowing what mine would be. We always seem to agree on that board. It is so over the top either how wonderful SAHM are or how great people are to SAH. The schedule post was just crazy, now she posted again about how she values sleep more than most people and we are the crazy ones because you know she does deviate from her schedule almost 30 mintues at times!!! How dare you and I not be puppies and rainbows that is all that is allowed on that board:)
  • Her original post to me seemed so full of snark because the schedule is so important and just seemed so right.

    I guess I just don't understand, because I dictate schedules and not naps. I value sleep too, but all she had to do was give him a treat or try to distract him. That's the problems with rigid schedules, not being able to adapt outside of the setting.

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
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